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Graduated Approach Pathway for Early Years Settings

Graduated Approach Pathway for Early Years Settings SEND Local Offer

Assess: First discuss the child with your colleagues and the parents/carers and start some assessment / observation together

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Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit

Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit SEND Local Offer

Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit (TEYGAT) aims to provide a one-stop-shop, for all early years providers to promote inclusive practice and support the additional needs of early years children at a targeted level. For some children universal provision may not meet all of their needs. The importance of early identification and intervention with appropriate multi agency support is key to addressing young children’s needs.

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Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs

Practice Guidance for Early Years Setting SENDCOs SEND Local Offer

This practice guidance aims to support all practitioners working with children in the Early Years who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

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Paperwork to support Early Years Graduated Approach

ILDPs (Individual Learning Development Plans) SEND Local Offer

Individual Learning and Development Plans (ILDPs) aim to identify small step targets to support children’s learning and development. They identify how children learn and what support is needed that is additional or different to the typical provision. Having Individual Learning Development Plans are crucial to evidencing the Graduated Approach cycle of support (SEND Code of Practice 2015). It is anticipated that all children with SEND have ILDPs in place.

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SMART Targets SEND Local Offer

Writing small step targets are integral to the Graduated Approach response for children with SEND.

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SEND Assessment Summaries SEND Local Offer

Assessment summaries are useful for sharing information about children with other professionals.

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Open Ended Play activity sheet SEND Local Offer

Open Ended Play means that children are allowed the time and space to play with resources, following their own creative ideas and interests. This Open Ended Play activity sheet can be useful to note observations and achievements during Open Ended Play.

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SEND Register SEND Local Offer

Children receiving SEN Support must be on the setting’s ‘SEND Register’.

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Risk assessments SEND Local Offer

This risk assessment template will help you identify potential risks in your setting.

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Enhanced transition planning (Early Years to Primary School) SEND Local Offer

Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) often find change difficult. As part of transition, schools, educational settings and families must work together to create a plan. The plan should be in place to help with any specific needs, strengths, interests and potential anxieties and learning styles.

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Early Years additional funding for children with SEND (ALFI and DAF)

Activity Led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI) SEND Local Offer

Activity Led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI) is additional funding provided to Early Years education providers (School-based nurseries, PVI (Private, Voluntary and Independent) settings and Childminders) to deliver support for individual children with identified Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

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PVI & School-based ALFI paperwork SEND Local Offer

PVI (Private, Voluntary and Independent) & School-based nurseries are invited to apply for Activity Led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI) to help support individual children with needs by completing the relevant forms below.

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Childminders' ALFI paperwork SEND Local Offer

Childminders are invited to apply for Activity Led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI) to help support individual children with needs by completing the relevant forms below.

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Disability Access Fund (DAF) SEND Local Offer

In addition to Activity Led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI), Early Years settings may be able to receive DAF for eligible children attending their setting. The Disability Access Fund is money that is available for eligible children to a nominated childcare provider once per year to aid access to Early Years places for children with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities.

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Developing Inclusive Practice (SEN Early years)

Makaton Friendly places SEND Local Offer

The Makaton Friendly places scheme recognises places that strive to make their services accessible for people who use Makaton to support their communication. For more information about the scheme, including frequently asked questions visit the Makaton Friendly section on the Makaton Charity website. The Let’s talk Makaton Youtube Channel provides lots of video clips on useful individual Makaton signs and symbols.

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Portage Stamp of Approval SEND Local Offer

The National Portage Association (NPA) Stamp of Approval Scheme is an award given to early year’s settings who have demonstrated they deliver inclusive early years education based upon Portage Principles. There are lots of other useful resources available on the Portage Support Hub, some are free and some require membership (£35 per year) to download.

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I CAN - The Communication Trust and Consortium SEND Local Offer

The I CAN website has a range of freely downloadable resources that will help adults to support young children’s communication and interaction, including resources developed by The Communication Trust.

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The Autism Education Trust (AET) SEND Local Offer

The Autism Education Trust Early Years Programme offers training and resources for professionals working in various early years settings for children up to 5 years.

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NASEN - Early Years Training and Resources SEND Local Offer

Nasen offers a range of training opportunities and resources specifically for leaders and practitioners, working in the Early Years (EY).

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Archive SEND and Vulnerable Children's Forum Bulletins  SEND Local Offer

These SEND and Vulnerable Children's Forum Bulletins were produced between May 2020 and November 2022. They have been included here because they contain some useful information. However, please be aware that links within these bulletins may be out-of-date.

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Small Step Assessments (SEN early years)

Early Years Sensory Processing Profile SEND Local Offer

This resource pack will assist with the identification of possible difficulties and support the implementation of strategies.

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Autism Sensory Assessment Checklist SEND Local Offer

The Autism Sensory Assessment Checklist is embeded below in pdf format and the word version can be downloaded by the following link:

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Supporting children’s emotional responses using a STAR Chart – Settings, Triggers, Actions and Responses SEND Local Offer

View Guidance for using STAR Charts for Behaviour and then download the blank Star Chart template for use.

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What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): a guide for parents SEND Local Offer

Early Talk Boost Tracker SEND Local Offer

Early Talk Boost is a targeted programme aimed at 3-4 year old children who need help with talking and understanding words.

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Attention Levels and Strategies SEND Local Offer

Early Support Programme Developmental Journal Materials SEND Local Offer

Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) in the Early Years SEND Local Offer

Early Communication and Language monitoring tool  SEND Local Offer

This tool outlines key milestones in speech, language and communication development to support identification of children’s needs in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

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Autism Observation Profiles SEND Local Offer

The purpose of the observation profiles are to enhance the teacher’s ability to assess the young child’s progress in developing skills and understanding in those areas which are typically impaired in autism.

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One Page Profiles SEND Local Offer

A one-page profile captures the essence of the child's character and needs, and acts as a starting point in getting to know them. It isn’t designed to replace the reports written by health and educational professionals, but should be a representation of the child’s own thoughts and views. A profile needs to be included when requesting an EHCP needs assessment for a child.

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Talking Mats SEND Local Offer

Talking Mats is an interactive communication resource that uses picture symbols to help children express their feelings and views.

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The Engagement Model SEND Local Offer

Engagement is crucial before targeted learning can happen. The engagement model aims to provide a ‘better fit’ way of noticing and acknowledging children’s responses to their world when other ways of doing this are not working well. For further information, guidance, blank template and exemplars please see the following documents in the downloads section on the right hand side of this webpage:

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Useful SEND Documents

UK GOV. Logo

SEND Code of Practice 2015 SEND Local Offer

Statutory guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.

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UK GOV. Logo

Early years: guide to the 0 to 25 SEND code of practice SEND Local Offer

Advice for early years providers that are funded by the local authority.

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UK GOV. Logo

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - a Guide for Parents and Carers SEND Local Offer

A guide for parents and carerson the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.

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UK GOV. Logo

Supporting Pupils with Medical conditions SEND Local Offer

Statutory guidance for governing bodies of maintained schools and proprietors of academies in England.

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Disabled Children and the Equality Act 2010: SEND Local Offer

What Early Years providers need to know and do, including responsibilities to disabled children under the Children and Families Act 2014.

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Claiming DLA - step by step guide for parents SEND Local Offer

Get your free Guide to the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) in England and Wales.

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Cognition & Learning (SEND Early Years Resources)

Scope Resources for inclusive play SEND Local Offer

Watch this video of tips for making play accessible for all and visit their website for more information.

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Providing inclusive childcare for children with SEND SEND Local Offer

Useful videos illustrating examples of ‘good practice’ support for children with SEND and their families with SEND and other resources.

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'Teaching Play': helping children with autism learn to play SEND Local Offer

Learn how you can help children with autism develop their play skills. Kay talks us through a step-by-step approach, based on Vygotsky's 'zone of proximal development'. This article originally appeared in the nasen magazine 'Special' in March 2016.

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Attention Autism SEND Local Offer

Attention Autism is a 4 stage step-by-step series of practical attention development activities that enables parents and professionals to get children to engage with them, so they can introduce them to new experiences and progress their learning. Please see embeded documents below that explain the 4 stages in more detail.

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A child learning: the characteristics of effective early years learning SEND Local Offer

This checklist is useful in the observation of children’s play skills. 

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Identiplay - a parallel play model SEND Local Offer

Identiplay interventions help children on the autistic spectrum, and those with specific communication disorders, learn to play using a parallel copy and play model with set play scripts. View all on this page and download what you need.

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Early Years Play Activity Sheets SEND Local Offer

This set of simple activity sheets was created by the Torbay Early Years Advisory Teacher for Inclusion using a variety of sources. View and/or download any of the 6 sheets below and Sensory Play booklet to print.

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Autism Education Trust (AET) - Early years resources SEND Local Offer

Self-evaluation tools enabling you to rate your practice and settings. Specifically written in collaboration with consultant expertise in autism and early years education. Packed full of additional resources. Select Early years on their Resources webpage

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Sense Play Toolkits SEND Local Offer

Sense is a national charity that supports people who are deafblind, have sensory impairments or complex needs, to enjoy more independent lives. Visit their website for Making Play inclusive materials and videos for both play settings and parents. Below is their Making Play inclusive toolkit for play settings.

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Building blocks of reading SEND Local Offer

Download and/or print "Building blocks of reading"

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Building blocks of writing SEND Local Offer

Download and/or print "Building blocks of writing"

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Communication & Interaction (SEND Early Years Resources)

Sensory Songs SEND Local Offer

Familiar rhymes and songs with touch and movement to help engage early years children:

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changing young lives

Universally Speaking - Ages and stages of children's communication development SEND Local Offer

Take a look at Speech and language UK's guide to typical stages of speech and language development in babies, children and young people.

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The Building Blocks of Language SEND Local Offer

Download and/or print "The Building Blocks of Language"

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Visual Communication Systems SEND Local Offer

Visual Communication Systems and the Symbol Ladder.

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changing young lives

Other Ways of Speaking SEND Local Offer

You should read this booklet if you live or work with children and young people whose speech is difficult to understand or who have no speech.

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Makaton - visual communication SEND Local Offer

Makaton is a language programme aimed at supporting understanding and speaking skills. There are a range of free downloadable resources on the Makaton Website.

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Singing Hands - Songs in Makaton SEND Local Offer

Singing Hands – for useful examples of Makaton signing in song have a look at a range of Singing Hands YouTube videos to share with children and practitioners, such as this example

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Widgit Online SEND Local Offer

Widgit Online create, save and share symbol resources and offer a free 21 day trial to support learning and communication by creating symbol documents, flashcards, activities and timetables in your web browser.

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Autism Education Trust (AET) - A Guide for Teachers SEND Local Offer

Social Stories SEND Local Offer

The National Autistic Society has produced a good article to explain how to use social stories. Please see both the Social Stories document and Social Story example below. 

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Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) SEND Local Offer

PECS is specifically designed for children with ASD and/or significant communication difficulties.  The aim is for the child to communicate requests and intent through picture cards.  The child may have little or no spoken language.

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Early Years Education Toolkit - Children and Family Health SEND Local Offer

Children & Family Health Devon’s Toolkit is appropriate for children aged 0 – 4. This toolkit has been designed to support families, carers and professionals who have concerns about a child’s development. It provides a greater understanding of development, when to be concerned and how to help and focuses on difficulties that fall within the expertise of Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy. It includes advice sheets and videos.

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Visual Support for Autism Spectrum Disorders SEND Local Offer

Do2learn SEND Local Offer

Do2learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioural regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills. In addition, we offer premier products including View2do, JobTIPS, FACELAND, books, and apps for purchase.

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Early Identification Framework for SLCN: A 3-Step Approach SEND Local Offer

Early Years Autism Standards SEND Local Offer

Listen Up SEND Local Offer

changing young lives

Top communication tips video SEND Local Offer

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changing young lives

Attention Levels and Strategies video SEND Local Offer

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Objects of Reference SEND Local Offer

An object of reference is an object that has a particular meaning, e.g. a certain ball might represent going out to play or a bubble wand might represent coming to blow bubbles. They can be used to

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Early Support Information on SLCN SEND Local Offer

Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Early Support Information on ASD SEND Local Offer

Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Physical & Sensory needs (SEND Early Years Resources)

Hearing - Early Support Information on Deafness and Hearing Loss SEND Local Offer

Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Sensory circuits

A sensory circuit is a sensory motor skills programme that helps children become more organised andachieve the right level of alertness to help them prepare for the day’s learning. The activities promote self awareness, helping children to make connection to their senses in an active, fun, and enjoyable way.

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Sensory Songs SEND Local Offer

Familiar rhymes and songs with touch and movement to help engage early years children:

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Hearing - Deaf Babies and Children Developmental Journal - Early Support  SEND Local Offer

Assessment and monitoring tools for young babies and children with hearing impairment. Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Hearing - Supporting the achievement of hearing impaired children in early years settings SEND Local Offer

Vision - Developmental Journal for babies and children with visual impairment  SEND Local Offer

Assessment and monitoring tools for young babies and children with visual impairment. Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Sensory - Sensory stories and Inclusive play SEND Local Offer


Sensory Play SEND Local Offer

This Sensory Play booklet has been created the Torbay Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT) for Inclusion.

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Early Years Education Toolkit - Children and Family Health SEND Local Offer

Children & Family Health Devon’s Toolkit is appropriate for children aged 0 – 4. This toolkit has been designed to support families, carers and professionals who have concerns about a child’s development. It provides a greater understanding of development, when to be concerned and how to help and focuses on difficulties that fall within the expertise of Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy. It includes advice sheets and videos.

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Physical - Early Support Materials - Neurological Disorders SEND Local Offer

Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Physical - Early Support Information on Downs Syndrome  SEND Local Offer

Early Support Information guides on physical and sensory needs linked to specific conditions. Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Physical - Early Support Information on Cerebral Palsy SEND Local Offer

Early Support Information guides on physical and sensory needs linked to specific conditions. Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Physical - Early Support Information on Multi-sensory Impairments  SEND Local Offer

Early Support Information guides on physical and sensory needs linked to specific conditions. Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Sleep - Early Support Materials SEND Local Offer

Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Sleep information and support SEND Local Offer

Sleep guide, tips booklets and one to one sleep support service.

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Sleep - Stories about sleep to share with children SEND Local Offer

See www.pinterest.com/scopestories/sleepy-storybooks/ for ideas on stories to share with children about bed times and sleeping.

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Sleep - Scope - Sleep Diary SEND Local Offer

Learn about keeping a sleep diary and other useful hints and tips.

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Toileting - Potty training SEND Local Offer

ERIC is the only charity dedicated to the bowel and bladder health of all children and teenagers in the UK. They provide several useful resources 

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Toileting - School toilet policies and the Right to Go SEND Local Offer

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Toileting - Toilet Training for Children with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities  SEND Local Offer

Children with brain conditions can sometimes find learning to use the toilet more difficult as the result of their physical, behavioural or sensory differences, as well as the learning difficulties which may also be a part of their condition. Toileting problems can have a number of different causes and as a result this guide offers a range of approaches to help manage and resolve various issues.

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Toileting - Visual washing hands strip SEND Local Offer

Toileting - Toilet training chart SEND Local Offer

Feeding - Information and Support for Mealtimes and food  SEND Local Offer

This website provides a range of useful information and ideas including:

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Feeding - Infant & Toddler Forum SEND Local Offer

The Infant & Toddler Forum supports families to make healthier nutritional choices and promotes good eating habits in early life, for a healthy future for generations of children. They provide a range of resources to support healthy eating, such as the ones below.

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Social, Emotional & Mental Health (SEND Early Years Resources)

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs SEND Local Offer

From birth, most babies are able to communicate what they want and need through a range of behaviours including crying. In the early stages of life these behaviours ensure that babies get their most basic needs met (food sleep, warmth etc.). However, failure to meet these needs will result in a distressed baby unable to focus on anything apart from having these needs met. Maslow describes these biological and physiological needs as being fundamental for the growth of other areas of development. Once these basic needs are met children seek to proceed to the next level of need with the intention of having these needs met and to then be able to move up the hierarchy. 

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7 Cs supporting social and emotional skills SEND Local Offer

This simple booklet reminds us of 7 key responses for adults to put into action, when supporting young children’s social and emotional needs:  Clear rules, Choices, Countdown, Confidence, Consistency, Control and Comfort.

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Supporting children’s emotional responses using a STAR Chart – Settings, Triggers, Actions and Responses SEND Local Offer

View Guidance for using STAR Charts for Behaviour and then download the blank Star Chart template for use.

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Leuven's Scales of Well Being and Involvement SEND Local Offer

The complete  ‘Well-being and Involvement in Care - A process-oriented Self-evaluation Instrument for Care Settings (Sics)’ manual explains the importance of young children’s well-being and engagement in their play and learning.  If a child has a high level of well-being and high engagement in their environment then it follows that their social and emotional skills will be robust.  It walks practitioners through how to observe and assess well-being and engagement using the Leuvens Five Point Scale and prompts changes in the early years environment to support these skills in young children. 

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Early Support Information on behaviour SEND Local Offer

Although the DfE Early Support Programme is no longer currently running, all the materials remain relevant and up to date, apart from a few of the links.

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Early Education – Learning Together Series SEND Local Offer

Although more resources are available to buy or download free from Early Education, these two particular documents, below, offer support considerations when helping children to cope with change and with their emotional responses.

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Personal, social and emotional development - Managing Feelings and Behaviour Guidance Sheets SEND Local Offer

Guidance around supporting different age groups including play activity ideas from 0-1 years, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, & 4-5 years can all be viewed and/dowloaded from below.

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Social and Emotional Aspects of Development – Guidance for practitioners working in Early Years Foundation Stage SEND Local Offer


Developing an Emotional Regulation Plan SEND Local Offer

Please see the guidance and examples below and you get a MSWord versions of these blank templates from the download button.

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The ‘Understanding’ Iceberg SEND Local Offer

This is a tool to help you identify and record the specific behaviours that you observe and then consider the underlying factors that might be causing the behaviours.  By doing this you will be more equipped to change the environment or the adult responses to support the child’s emotional needs.

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Emotional Coaching SEND Local Offer

Emotion Coaching is a communication strategy which supports young people to self regulate and manage their stress responses.  It was originally developed in the USA by a psychologist John Gottman and is gaining ground in the UK as an effective way to nurture mental health and wellbeing in education settings. 

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Identifying Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Identifying SEND SEND Local Offer

All educational establishments (nurseries and pre-schools, schools and colleges) must have arrangements in place to identify SEND.

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SEND Frequently Asked Questions SEND Local Offer

The Torbay SEND team have created this document to help with frequently asked questions.

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Assessing and reviewing progress towards outcomes

Assessing and reviewing progress towards outcomes SEND Local Offer

The progress of all groups of children has been a prominent issue for all schools since the introduction of the 2012 Ofsted inspection framework. Parents also want to see evidence of progress.

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Assessing and reviewing via Individualised Education Plans (IEPs) or EHCP outcomes SEND Local Offer

Individualised Education Plans should measure progress towards short term outcomes, and these should be reviewed on at least a termly basis. If a student is receiving SEN support or has an EHCP then they should have an IEP to measure progress against short term targets.

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Assessing and reviewing via Baseline and ongoing assessments SEND Local Offer

It is reasonable to expect that schools and settings should undertake baseline assessments at the start of any interventions, as this will enable staff to measure the impact of an individualised or group-based intervention.

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Tracking Pupil Progress using tools and frameworks in Early Years SEND Local Offer

For some children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities it can be a challenge to measure the progress they make against targets set out in the National Curriculum and so more bespoke tools and frameworks can be beneficial.

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Tracking Pupil Progress using tools and frameworks for School age children SEND Local Offer

For some children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities it can be a challenge to measure the progress they make against targets set out in the National Curriculum and so more bespoke tools and frameworks can be beneficial.

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Tracking Pupil Progress using tools and frameworks for post 16 students SEND Local Offer

For some children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities it can be a challenge to measure the progress they make against targets set out in the National Curriculum and so more bespoke tools and frameworks can be beneficial.

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Working in partnership with parents, children and young people SEND Local Offer

Working in partnership with parents is key to successful support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Relationships and interactions with parents should be build on mutual respect, trust and strong communication. It is vital that we keep the child or young person at the centre of the conversation so that the promotion of the learning and welfare remains paramount.

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SEND Support and Provision – Graduated Response

Graduated Response (video for Children & Young People) SEND Local Offer

This video has been created by local Children and Young People. 

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SEND Support and Provision – Graduated Response SEND Local Offer

This is how everyone should work together make sure children get the “right support in the right place at the right time” by the right people. SEND Support and Provision – Graduated Response - Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk)

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Age 16-18 SEND Support and Provision Toolkit

Age 16-18 SEND Support and Provision Toolkit  SEND Local Offer

This toolkit has been developed to acknowledge that at Post 16 education some tools are applied differently and the setting in which young people learn is also different.

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Resources produced by Torbay Educational Psychology

Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA): Guidance for Torbay Educational Settings SEND Local Offer

The Educational Psychology (EP) Service have developed this guide to support schools and other educational settings, working with parents and carers to support young people with EBSA. This guidance has beenplanned to support early intervention for young people who may be experiencing EBSA return toschool after long absences.

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Anxiety and School (EBSA) – for parents/carers (Webinar) SEND Local Offer

Video of webinar held on November 30, 2023

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Torbay SEND voice- cognition

Cognition & Learning Slower Paced Learners toolkit SEND Local Offer

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Torbay SEND voice- cognition

Cognition & Learning Toolkit for Specific Learning Difficulties SEND Local Offer

Torbay SEND voice- cognition

Cognition & Learning Toolkit for MLD learners SEND Local Offer

Torbay SEND voice- cognition

Cognition & Learning Toolkit for Complex Learning Difficulties SEND Local Offer

Torbay SEND voice- cognition

Cognition & Learning Post 16 toolkit SEND Local Offer

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Hearing Impairment Resources

Hearing Impairment Resources SEND Local Offer

Hearing impairment, deafness, or hearing loss refers to the total or partial inability to hear sounds.

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Educational Implications of Hearing Loss & How you can help at home SEND Local Offer

The educational implications of hearing loss vary according to;

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Glue Ear –Conductive Hearing Loss SEND Local Offer

Many children suffer from conductive hearing loss.

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Difficulties arising from a conductive hearing loss SEND Local Offer

A pupil may:

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How to help a child with a hearing loss SEND Local Offer

You may also find Hearing Impairment Resources – Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) useful.

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Helping children with a hearing loss understand spoken language SEND Local Offer

You may also find Hearing Impairment Resources – Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) useful.

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Helping pupils with hearing loss improve attention and listening skills SEND Local Offer

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Managing divided visual attention for hearing impaired pupils SEND Local Offer

Pupils with hearing difficulties often rely on clues from lip reading and need to look at whoeveris speaking as well as listening in order to understand. It is impossible therefore, for them tolook at other things at the same time. These pupils are likely, for example, to find it difficult towatch a speaker and pay attention to text at the same time.

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Modifying text and preparing worksheets for hearing impaired pupils SEND Local Offer

All materials presented in a written form should be differentiated to take account of a pupil’s language level.

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Tips for the classroom for hearing impaired pupils SEND Local Offer

You may also find Hearing Impairment Resources – Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) useful.

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Tips for communicating with friends SEND Local Offer

You may also find Hearing Impairment Resources – Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) useful.

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Hearing aids leaflet - Why do they matter? SEND Local Offer

You may also find Hearing Impairment Resources – Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) useful.

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10 Tips when using an assistive listening device SEND Local Offer

You may also find Hearing Impairment Resources – Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk) useful.

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MyHealth Devon

Children & Young Person’s Asthma SEND Local Offer

Information on asthma friendly schools and parent resources to support children with asthma.

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Neurodiversity - Getting Advice and Getting Help SEND Local Offer

Resources providing information for Children and Young People (CYP) and their families.

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Online resources

Learning for Life SEND Local Offer

Learning for Life covers late primary, secondary, and beyond school, focusing on the Relationships and Sexual Education curriculum. The resources are created in line with what the Down's Syndrome community needs; teaching on personal health, emotions, relationships, and appropriate behaviour.

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Teach Me Too SEND Local Offer

Teach Me Too provides resources for early years and KS1. It covers Literacy, Maths, the Wider Curriculum, Exploring Language and Language through Play.

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SEND funding for Children and Young people in mainstream Schools, Academies and Free Schools

Money from central government to fund schools SEND Local Offer

The Local Authority receive money from central government each year to fund schools. This is called the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). The DSG is split into three parts or 'blocks':

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Element 1 - Basic pre-pupil entitlement - Core funding SEND Local Offer

This money comes from the Schools block of the Designated Schools Grant (DGS).

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Element 2 - Notional SEN Budget SEND Local Offer

This money comes from the Schools block of the Designated Schools Grant (DGS).

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Element 3 - Top-up funding - High Needs Block SEND Local Offer

This is provided from the high needs block element of the Designated Schools Grant (DGS), and is aimed mainly, though not exclusively, at pupils with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs).

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SEND Capital Funding

Successful Applicants for High Needs Provision Capital Funding 2023 

The High Needs funding from the last 4 years has allowed us to invest in provisions and enhance inclusive opportunities for children and young people across a range of settings.

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SEND Capital Funding SEND Local Offer

Local authorities must ensure there are sufficient good school places for all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities.

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SEND Provision and Accessibility SEND Local Offer

Children and young people in Torbay may attend mainstream early years settings, schools or colleges or specialist provision such as mainstream schools with enhanced resource provision or special schools. In a diverse provider landscape the local area must exercise a range of roles and remain committed to the inclusion of children and young people.

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Torbay's Special Provision Plan (2018-2021) SEND Local Offer

The conditions and timeline of this funding were:

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SEND Accessibility Fund processes for 2022 & 2023 SEND Local Offer

Expressions of interest were sought from schools prior to allocations being awarded for these accessibility funds.

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Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2018-19 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful in improving inclusion within mainstream via the Accessibility Funding in 2018-19. Where supplied by schools, there are also comments from the successful schools with images of the work completed.

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Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2019-20 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful in improving inclusion within mainstream via the Accessibility Funding in 2019-20.

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Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2020-21 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful in improving inclusion within mainstream via the Accessibility Funding in 2020-21.

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Successful High Needs Provision Capital projects 2022 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful.  Where supplied by schools, there are also comments from the successful schools with images of the work completed.

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