Torbay's One feed at a time campaign
We’re here to support you, because you need nurturing too, one feed at a time.
We’re here to support you, because you need nurturing too, one feed at a time.
About the One feed at a time campaign
Torbay Family Hubs brings together all the support a family may need from pregnancy through to young people turning 19. An important part of this journey is infant feeding.
Part of this infant feeding journey may involve breastfeeding which delivers many benefits for both child and mother. However, we do also know that it can be challenging, especially without support.

The ‘One Feed At a Time’ campaign has been created to raise awareness of and promote breastfeeding in an informed, positive way. With this campaign, we wanted to be able to reach families across Torbay to raise awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding and foster positive attitude around this, but also to provide support for families to initiate or prolong their breastfeeding journeys in private, public and professional settings.
We spoke to families across Torbay to help us understand their needs. Our research showed us that:
- Families wanted to be as prepared as possible for breastfeeding. They wanted to have the right knowledge not just of the benefits, but also of the challenges and support available around them.
- Knowing that they could ask for help will provide a boost of comfort to many mothers. Mums across Torbay also told us how important it was to them to be able to find the right support quickly and easily.
- Families wanted communication that showed the realities and challenges of breastfeeding and recognised that these could be common.
One Feed at A Time was created to help open those conversations around breastfeeding and direct families to a diverse range of free support across Torbay to allow them to attempt breastfeeding for as little or as long as they feel comfortable.
you can find out more about breastfeeding by clicking through to the breastfeeding page.
Support services:
There are a range of free support services available around Torbay, which you can find by clicking on our supporting infant feeding in Torbay page.
You can get help and advice from here
- Torbay Infant Feeding Helpline: 07500 952216
- Maternity: 01803 656588
- 0 to 19 Torbay Advice line: 0300 333 5352 or download our Torbay Family Hub App from the Apple or Google Play Store and chat to us.
- National Breastfeeding helpline: available 24 hours a day, every day of the year 0300 100 0212 or chat via their website