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Graduated Response (video for Children & Young People) SEND Local Offer

This video has been created by local Children and Young People. 

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What is the Graduated Response? SEND Local Offer

The Graduated Response, or Graduated Approach, is the process which must be carried out when there are concerns about a possible special educational need.

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Torbay’s Graduated Response SEND Local Offer

Torbay’s Graduated Response will ensure all partners work together to get the “right support, in the right place, at the right time” by the right people, for every child or young person with special educational needs and disabilities.

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Universal, Targeted and Specialist Provision SEND Local Offer

Universal provision means the support and provision which is ordinarily available to every child or young person in every educational setting in Torbay.

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Our approach to Support and Inclusion SEND Local Offer

For children and young people in Torbay to thrive, we know that every setting should have in place:

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Legal Duties for SEND SEND Local Offer

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 is a statutory document and is very clear in setting out the responsibilities of educational settings in identifying and meeting the needs of all children and young people.

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Do I need a diagnosis to access support? SEND Local Offer

No, you do not need a diagnosis to access support.

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Assess, Plan, Do, Review infographic

The Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle SEND Local Offer

The Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle is how the Graduated Response is put in place. It can be repeated as many times as needed to help the child or young person progress.

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What are our five toolkits and how do I use them? SEND Local Offer

The five Graduated Response toolkits are:

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The Torbay Belonging Strategy SEND Local Offer

The Torbay Belonging Strategy has been created to support children and young people to maintain their school places by recognising and meeting need.

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Funding SEND Local Offer

Please find information about funding for children and young people with additional needs here.

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Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) SEND Local Offer

For the majority of children and young people, their needs can be met through the Graduated Response at SEND Support.

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Where can I go for more help? SEND Local Offer

You might feel that even with the support or provision provided, your child or young person’s needs are not being met. In the first instance, arrange to contact the SENDCo (Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator) at your child or young person’s educational setting. You can find out their contact details by visiting the website for the educational setting.

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Cognition and Learning Needs

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What is meant by Cognition and Learning Needs? SEND Local Offer

Cognition and learning difficulties cover a wide range of needs and abilities. Cognition and learning difficulties may affect all areas of the curriculum, as with pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) or Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD). However, cognition and learning difficulties may only impact on specific areas such as reading, writing, spelling and/or numeracy.

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Universal Support for Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Local Offer

Every school, health setting, social worker and community support worker will:

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SEND Support Strategies or Interventions for Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Local Offer

Here are some ways that teachers and other school staff can help students learn and succeed in the classroom:

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Suggestions for the SENDCo for Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Local Offer


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Specific Toolkits for SENDCos: Slower paced learners SEND Local Offer

Steve Butnik’s article Understanding, Diagnosing, and Coping with Slow Processing Speed offers an overview of ideas but also focuses on the fact that sometimes slow learning is a result of something undiagnosed. That said, if you are simply teaching the child in front of you, it shouldn’t really matter what their diagnosis is, you just need to adapt teaching to meet their needs.

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Specific Toolkits for SENDCos: Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) SEND Local Offer

Cognition and Learning Toolkit for Specific Learning Difficulties

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Specific Toolkits for SENDCos: Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) SEND Local Offer

Cognition and Learning Toolkit for MLD learners

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Specific Toolkits for SENDCos: Complex Learning Difficulties SEND Local Offer

Cognition and Learning Toolkit for Complex Learning Difficulties (Including FSAD. and prematurity)

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Specific Toolkits for SENDCos: Post 16 SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full 16 - 18 Graduated Response Toolkit

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Assessment tools for Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Cognition and Learning Needs Toolkit

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Service offer or referral pathway for Cognition and Learning Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Cognition and Learning Needs Toolkit

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Sensory and Physical Needs

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What is meant by Sensory and Physical Needs? SEND Local Offer

Sensory impairments can be defined as an impairment that affects a child or young person’s ability to access auditory or visual information. Visual and hearing impairments can sometimes be corrected by hearing aids or glasses. When this is not possible, there can be an impact on the child or young person’s learning and development.

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Universal Support for Sensory and Physical Needs SEND Local Offer

Every school, health setting, social worker and community support worker will:

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

SEND Support Strategies or Interventions for Sensory and Physical Needs SEND Local Offer

General advice for all the needs in this category:

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Physical Needs (PN) - support strategies or interventions SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Hearing Impairment (HI) - support strategies or interventions SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit

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Visual Impairment (VI) - support strategies or interventions SEND Local Offer

Habilitation training programmes and advice including:

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Sensory difficulties - support strategies or interventions SEND Local Offer

Sensory integration is based on the concept of how the brain organises and interprets sensory information. Sensory-based interventions are activities that occur in the child/ young person’s natural environment and aim to have an effect on self-regulation, attention or behavioural organisation.

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Suggestions for the SENDCo for Sensory and Physical Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Transitions for Sensory and Physical Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Assessment Tools for Sensory and Physical Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Service offer or referral pathway for Sensory and Physical Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit

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Torbay SEND Voice Sensory and physical needs

Resources and referrals for Sensory and Physical Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Sensory and Physical Needs Toolkit

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Speech, Language and Communication Needs

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What is meant by Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)? SEND Local Offer

Speech, language and communication needs describe difficulties with:

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Universal Support for Speech, Language and Communication Needs SEND Local Offer

Every education setting, health setting, social worker and community support worker will:

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Appendix 1: SEND Local Offer

Appendix 1:

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Key principles for supporting children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs SEND Local Offer

All adults to:

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SEND Support Strategies or Interventions to support these principles for Speech, Language and Communication Needs SEND Local Offer

Prepare the child/young person for experiences and learning opportunities.Help the child/young person to understand and name their needs and emotions

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Helpful Resources for meeting Speech, Language and Communication Needs SEND Local Offer

A Communication Friendly Environment enables learners (pupils) to develop their social, emotional and academic potential by reducing or removing barriers to communication. The following resources can help to review whether the environment is communication friendly and what reasonable adjustments may be necessary.

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Suggestions for the SENDCo for Speech, Language and Communication Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Speech, Language and Communication Needs Toolkit

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Assessment and screening tools for Speech, Language and Communication Needs SEND Local Offer

Parents/carers and professionals:

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Service offer or referral pathway for Speech, Language and Communication Needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the full Speech, Language and Communication Needs Toolkit

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Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs

What is meant by Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH)? SEND Local Offer

Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs, as stated in the Code of Practice, Chapter 6 SEND_Code_of_Practice_January_2015.pdf, are a type of special educational need in which children and young people have difficulties in managing their emotions and behaviour. They may often show inappropriate responses and feelings to situations.

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Key Principles for supporting Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) SEND Local Offer

Key Principles for supporting SEMH:

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Universal support for Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) SEND Local Offer

Every school, health setting, social worker and community support worker will:

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Targeted SEND support strategies or interventions for Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) SEND Local Offer

The needs of some children / young people may require…

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Suggestions for the SENDCo for Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Social, Emotional & Mental Health Needs Toolkit

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Assessment tools for Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) SEND Local Offer

There is a wide range of assessment tools and devices. The list below is not exhaustive but is indicative. Settings should use a consistent set of tools.

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Service offer or referral pathway for Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Social, Emotional & Mental Health Needs Toolkit

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What is meant by Neurodiversity? SEND Local Offer

All human beings can be described as neurodiverse. We vary in the way our brains work. We take in information in different ways. We process it in different ways and therefore, we behave in different ways.

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Universal support for Neurodiversity SEND Local Offer

Every school, health setting, social worker and community support worker will:

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SEND support strategies or interventions for Neurodiversity (1. Executive Functioning Skills) SEND Local Offer

Executive function can include many developmental areas. Three core areas include:

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SEND support strategies or interventions for Neurodiversity (2. Sensory Processing differences & Motor Skills) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Neurodiversity Needs Toolkit

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SEND support strategies or interventions for Neurodiversity (3. Communication & Interaction) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Neurodiversity Needs Toolkit

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Suggestions for the SENDCO for Neurodiversity SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Neurodiversity Needs Toolkit

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Helpful Resources for specific needs (ADHD or FASD) SEND Local Offer

Please note that the following list of need is not exhaustive:

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Helpful Resources for specific needs (Dyslexia, Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder, Dyscalculia or Classic Tic Disorders) SEND Local Offer

Further resources including local support available for Neurodiversity SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Neurodiversity Needs Toolkit

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Assessment tools for Neurodiversity SEND Local Offer

It is important that all professionals refer to the sections of the graduated response for assessment tools related to key areas of need:

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Service offer or referral pathway for Neurodiversity SEND Local Offer

‘First Steps’ Multi-Disciplinary Drop-in – For education settings held online every month (Child Health and Children and Family Health Devon). This is available for education staff and any professional working with a child or young person (e.g., Early Help team) with a focus on the wider environment as well as individual children.

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Printer friendly versions of these toolkits

Printer friendly versions of these toolkits SEND Local Offer

Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit

Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit SEND Local Offer

Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit (TEYGAT) aims to provide a one-stop-shop, for all early years providers to promote inclusive practice and support the additional needs of early years children at a targeted level. For some children universal provision may not meet all of their needs. The importance of early identification and intervention with appropriate multi agency support is key to addressing young children’s needs.

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Age 16-18 SEND Support and Provision Toolkit

Age 16-18 SEND Support and Provision Toolkit  SEND Local Offer

This toolkit has been developed to acknowledge that at Post 16 education some tools are applied differently and the setting in which young people learn is also different.

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MyHealth Devon

Children & Young Person’s Asthma SEND Local Offer

Information on asthma friendly schools and parent resources to support children with asthma.

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Neurodiversity - Getting Advice and Getting Help SEND Local Offer

Resources providing information for Children and Young People (CYP) and their families.

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Training for Practitioners: Graduated Response and SEND

Torbay Graduated Response and SEND: Training Flyer for Practitioners

Click on the 'Visit Site' button below - this flyer lists all current SEND and graduated response training available to Torbay practitioners. You can also view a calendar of practitioner training available by clicking on the link to our Practitioner Training Calendar, here.

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Search Guide to Practitioner Training

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