These events run every week across Torbay.
Upton Vale Baptist Church, Torquay, TQ1 3HY
A welcoming group where children aged 0-5 years can experience fun activities which help their physical and mental wellbeing.
No need to book, just drop in.
Click here for more information
The Beehive Family Hub, Bishops Place, Paignton, TQ3 3DZ
This is a support group for young parents – aimed at parents 25 and under.
We meet every Monday 10:30am-12pm at the Beehive (except Bank Holidays). Refreshments available.
No need to book – Just turn up.
For more information, please go to One to Another: Bump and Beyond (Young Parent Support Group) – Family Hub (
The Barn, Brixham Enterprise Estate, Rea Barn, Brixham, TQ5 9DF
We are offering appointment only clinics for people who are worried about their baby or child’s development and for those that need to see a health visitor. Please give us a call or email us. Depending on your needs you will receive phone support or be seen face to face. You can also find lots of helpful information, advice and support on our Family Hub website.
Tel: 0300 333 5352 (Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm)
For more information, please visit Child health clinic – Family Hub (
A virtual 10 minute drop-in for parents of children 3 and under and professionals who are concerned about their speech, language, and communication development.
All families will be given advice and/or ideas to try at home.
How to log in?
For information on dates and times, please go to our What’s On Page: Torbay Online Family Hub – Home – Family Hub
Paignton Library, Great Western Road, Paignton, Torbay, TQ4 5AG
This is a drop in Well Baby clinic run by our 0 to 19 Torbay health visiting team and takes place every Wednesday, 9:30am-11:30am!
The Beehive Family Hub, Bishops Place, Paignton, TQ3 3DZ
(Previously known as Infant Feeding Group).
Join Us for:
Every Wednesday at The Beehive Family Hub.
For more information, please go to Baby feeding group – Family Hub (
The Beehive Family Hub, Bishops Place, Paignton, TQ3 3DZ
Would you like more information on when and how to start your baby on solid food? If so, come along to one of our drop in information sessions held each month at our Feed and Nurture Groups. A Community Nursery Nurse will be there with resources and to talk through the process. Please come along If you have any questions or worries about starting solids.
No need to book – just turn up!
The Beehive Family Hub, Bishops Place, Paignton, TQ3 3DZ
A welcoming group where children aged 0-5 years can experience fun activities which help their physical and mental wellbeing.
No need to book, just drop in.
Click here for more information
From this talk you will gain a basic & working knowledge surrounding illegal money lenders (loan sharks) i.e. what makes them illegal, how they operate and find new borrowers, the effects that they have on borrowers, who we the Stop Loan Shark team are, how we operate plus how to link this knowledge into a conversation with a service user, family member or friend to find out if they could potentially be in debt to an illegal money lender and just as importantly, how to make a report and what happens next.
It is estimated that 1.2 million people in England alone are currently in debt to loan sharks and this figure is estimated to rise to 10 million within the next 3 years which equates to 1 in 5 of the adult population across the country.
All the awareness talks will be held via Microsoft Teams and will start at 09:30. The links to the talks will be sent out to attendees as an Outlook calendar invite a few days before each talk.
To book a place for this date, follow this link:
The booking office will close at 11am on the day before the talk.
If anyone has difficulty booking onto any of the talks, then please email
The Barn, Brixham Enterprise Estate, Rea Barn, Brixham, TQ5 9DF
This is a drop in Well Baby clinic run by our 0 to 19 Torbay health visiting team and takes place every Friday, 10am – 11:30am.