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Start for life

Every family knows the immense joy that the arrival of a baby can bring. But every parent or carer also knows the anxiety of this sudden responsibility. The sleepless nights, the doubt, the questions – these are all natural and common experiences during the 1,001 days from conception to a baby’s second birthday. Torbay Start for Life Leaflet.

Watch this video to find out more about our new app and download the Torbay Family Hub App from the Google Play or Apple App Store.

Support for families

All families need some help to give their babies the best start in life. Whether it is from healthcare professionals or volunteers, family or friends, there is a diverse range of support and services available in this country. However, it is not always easy for families to access information about what support is available. This website and our family hubs will provide information, advice and guidance for you and your family. Find out more about the Torbay Family Hubs here or download our Torbay Family Hub Leaflet

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