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Moving to or from Torbay with a child or young person with SEND

What you have to do before you move SEND Local Offer

We recommend you to collect as much information as possible about your child or young person's needs and the SEND Support level provision that is working well for your them. This is so you can share that information with your child or young person's new school.

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What your current Local Authority (LA) must do. SEND Local Offer

If your child or young person doesn't have an EHCP but has a statutory assessment in progress, your current LA must transfer all the information / advice received to Torbay Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Team.

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What your new Local Authority SEND department will do next SEND Local Offer

Your new Local Authority SEND team have to decide whether they need to carry out an EHC needs assessment themselves using the information provided by the previous authority. When making their decision, they will take account of the information the previous authority used when deciding to carry out an EHC needs assessment. If they agree to carry out an EHC needs assessment, they will also use information already gathered by the previous authority as part of the EHC needs assessment. They will keep you informed of their decisions and procedures.

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What you need to do as soon as you have moved to Torbay SEND Local Offer

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Health needs and a new ICB SEND Local Offer

The Integrated Care Board (ICB) is the group that commissions all the health services for the area where you live.

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Social care needs and personal budgets SEND Local Offer

When you move from one Local Authority area to a different Local Authority area the support you receive from social care may change. This is because each Local Authority may apply different eligibility criteria.

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Moving to or from Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland SEND Local Offer

The requirements for special educational needs in these countries are all slightly different from arrangements in England. Torbay will apply the same principles to ensure your child or young person's Special Education Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) continue to be met.  If your child or young person is moving with a Statement of SEN from Wales or Northern Ireland or with a Co-ordinated Support Plan from Scotland we will either:

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Children of Service personnel in the Armed Forces SEND Local Offer

Service personnel/families may relocate more than the rest of the population sometimes, at short notice. These transitions should be well managed to avoid Service children or young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) experiencing delays in having their needs assessed and met.

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Transition - moving on from Early Years to Primary School for a child with SEND

Checklist for Visiting Schools (SEND) SEND Local Offer

Visiting a school is the best way to determine whether that school is right for your child. It is an opportunity to get a sense of the school environment and get your questions answered. Below are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your visit.

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Moving on from Early Years to Primary School for a child with SEND SEND Local Offer

A child will reach compulsory school age on a prescribed day (31 December, 31 March or 31 August) on or after their 5th birthday. All children are entitled to a full time school place from the September following their 4th birthday. 

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Starting school reception year on a part-time basis SEND Local Offer

All children:

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Starting school later in the academic year (Deferred Entry) SEND Local Offer

Some parents, of children who are 4, will want their child to start school later in the academic year or at the start of the following academic year. This is called deferred entry. This is in 2.17, School Admissions Code.

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Choosing a School for a child with SEND (Early Years to Primary School) SEND Local Offer

Most children with SEND will be able to go to their local mainstream school. They will be taught with children of their own age. They will receive extra help from their class teacher or some other special help provided by the school. 

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Starting school a year behind other children of the same age (Delayed Entry) SEND Local Offer

Some parents want their child to be held back a year and to start school a year behind their chronological age group. This is called delayed entry. This is covered in 2.18 – 2.20, School Admissions Code.

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Choosing a School for a child with an EHCP (Early Years to Primary School) SEND Local Offer

Most children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) can be taught in mainstream schools.

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Securing a school place for a child with SEND (Early Years to Primary School) SEND Local Offer

Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 will start primary school in September 2025.

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Securing a school place for a child with an EHCP (Early Years to Primary School) SEND Local Offer

The Torbay Local Authority will always seek to place SEND pupils in a mainstream school providing that:

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Transition planning (Early Years to Primary School) SEND Local Offer

Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) often find change difficult. As part of transition, schools, educational settings and families must work together to create a plan for your child. The plan should be in place to help with any specific needs, strengths, interests and potential anxieties and learning styles.

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Preparing your SEND child for Primary School SEND Local Offer

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Additional and different support - what mainstream schools are expected to provide SEND Local Offer

Every child or young person with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) should have SEND support. This means help that is additional to or different from the support generally given to other children of the same age. Schools must identify pupils who have SEND and need extra help through SEND support. Schools should involve parents in this process. For further information please see:

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What is a phase transfer (video for Children & Young People)

This video has been created by local Children and Young People.

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Transition - moving on from Primary School to Secondary School for a child with SEND

Checklist for Visiting Schools (SEND) SEND Local Offer

Visiting a school is the best way to determine whether that school is right for your child. It is an opportunity to get a sense of the school environment and get your questions answered. Below are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your visit.

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Moving on from Primary School to Secondary School for a child with SEND SEND Local Offer

The move from primary to secondary education can be stressful for any child and can be especially a child with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

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Dispelling the Myths of Secondary School for SEND - event video SEND Local Offer

The embedded video below was recorded from a virtual event facilitated between Torbay SEND and SENDIASS Torbay, supported by Torbay SEND Family Voice that took place on 08/11/2022

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Choosing a School for a child with SEND (Primary School to Secondary School) SEND Local Offer

Most children with SEND will be able to go to their local mainstream school. They will be taught with children of their own age. They will receive extra help from their class teacher or some other special help provided by the school. 

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Choosing a school for a child with an EHCP (Primary School to Secondary School) SEND Local Offer

It is good to start choosing your preferred secondary school in advance of the Yr 5 Annual Review.

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Securing a school place for a child with SEND (Primary School to Secondary School) SEND Local Offer

Children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 will start Secondary School in September 2025. 

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Securing a school place for a child with an EHCP (Primary School to Secondary School) SEND Local Offer

The transition from primary school to secondary school starts early, from Yr 5, for children with an education, health and care plan (EHCP).

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Additional and different support - what mainstream schools are expected to provide SEND Local Offer

Every child or young person with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) should have SEND support. This means help that is additional to or different from the support generally given to other children of the same age. Schools must identify pupils who have SEND and need extra help through SEND support. Schools should involve parents in this process. For further information please see:

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Preparing your SEND child for Secondary School SEND Local Offer

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Transition planning (Primary School to Secondary School) SEND Local Offer

Children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) often find change difficult. As part of transition, schools, educational settings and families must work together to create a plan for your child. The plan should be in place to help with any specific needs, strengths, interests and potential anxieties and learning styles.

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What is a phase transfer (video for Children & Young People)

This video has been created by local Children and Young People.

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Transition – changing school for any other reason (mid-phase transfers) for a child with SEND

Checklist for Visiting Schools (SEND) SEND Local Offer

Visiting a school is the best way to determine whether that school is right for your child. It is an opportunity to get a sense of the school environment and get your questions answered. Below are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your visit.

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Changing school for any other reason (mid-phase transfers) for a child with SEND SEND Local Offer

There may be several reasons why you may be considering changing your childs' school outside of normal transition points:

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Choosing a School for a child with SEND SEND Local Offer

Most children with SEND will be able to go to their local mainstream school. They will be taught with children of their own age. They will receive extra help from their class teacher or some other special help provided by the school. 

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Choosing a School for a child with an EHCP SEND Local Offer

Most children and young people with special educational needs can be taught in mainstream schools.

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Additional and different support - what mainstream schools are expected to provide SEND Local Offer

Every child or young person with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) should have SEND support. This means help that is additional to or different from the support generally given to other children of the same age. Schools must identify pupils who have SEND and need extra help through SEND support. Schools should involve parents in this process. For further information please see:

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Transition - moving on from Secondary School to Post 16 Education for a young person with SEND

Choosing a Post 16 Education provider SEND Local Offer

It is a good idea consider chosen areas of interest, types of courses you might be interested and the different types of post 16 education providers.

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Moving on from Secondary School to Post 16 Education for a young person with SEND SEND Local Offer

All young people must remain in education, employment or training until the age of 18. Learning can be academic, vocational or work based.

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Additional and different support - what colleges are expected to provide SEND Local Offer

Colleges have similar responsibilities to schools to provide reasonable support to young people with special educational needs (SEND), including when they do not have an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). This could include access to a teaching assistant, specialist vocational teachers, tailored study support, independence skills and adaptations to resources or technology to make them more accessible.

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Adult learning SEND Local Offer

Adults with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) may want to continue going on courses to learn new skills and gain knowledge about subjects they are interested in.

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English and Maths and basic ICT (Functional Skills) SEND Local Offer

It is a priority to ensure that young people have good skills in English, Maths and basic ICT, as these are often essential for employment.

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Young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) SEND Local Offer

We are committed to reducing the number of young people who are not in any form of education, employment or training (NEET). These young people may face multiple barriers to their participation and need a different type of support.

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Paying for Further Education SEND Local Offer

Courses in English and Maths, up to GCSE level are usually free. Other further education courses are free until the age of 19, up to level 3. However, if your child has an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP), their course may be fully funded until they are 25 years old, if the course meets the targets outlined in their plan and the course is below level 4.

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Higher Education (University Level) SEND Local Offer

Many young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) progress to higher education, however it is not possible to have an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) at University. Those who require additional support and may incur extra costs as a result of their disability, may be eligible for a Disabled Student Allowance (DSA). The financial support offered is based on individual need not household income and does not have to be repaid.

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What is a phase transfer (video for Children & Young People)

This video has been created by local Children and Young People.

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Free early education places and eligibility criteria

Funded childcare for 2 year olds SEND Local Offer

Find out if your child is eligible for funded childcare and how to apply.

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15 hours funded childcare for all 3 and 4 year olds SEND Local Offer

All children are automatically entitled to the equivalent of 570 hours per year once they meet the age criteria - from the term following their 3rd birthday. This can be accessed as 15 hours per week during term time or on a more flexible basis for families who require childcare all year round e.g. 11 hours per week over 51 weeks of the year.

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30 hours funded childcare for 3 and 4 year olds SEND Local Offer

Working parents of three and four year olds are potentially eligible for an additional 15 hours a week childcare on top of the universal 15 hours funded childcare for three and four year olds.

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Help with childcare costs SEND Local Offer

Find out where you can get help and advice with your childcare costs.

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Find Pre-school educational settings

Find Pre-school educational settings SEND Local Offer

See Pre-Schools and Nursery Classes at school

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Find Out of Area Pre-school educational settings in Devon  SEND Local Offer

For Pre School settings in Devon, please see School-Run Pre-School Archives - Schools Information - Education and Families (devon.gov.uk)

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Find Primary Schools


Find Primary Schools SEND Local Offer

To find out what each school provides for SEND, click the link to their SEND pages:

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Find Out of Area Primary Schools in Devon SEND Local Offer

Since Torbay is a small area within Devon, some parents may wish to widen their search for their preferred school for their child.

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School attendance SEND Local Offer

Help and advice for parents and carers on the attendance of their children at school.

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Home to school transport SEND Local Offer

Find out if your child is eligible for help with the cost of home to school transport.

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students having meal in class

Free school meals (pupil premium) SEND Local Offer

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 automatically get free school meals but you should still register your child to receive free school meals if you are eligible. By doing this your child’s entitlement can be checked on a regular basis so that their school can receive valuable additional funding for every child receiving a free school meal.

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Find Secondary Schools


Find Secondary Schools SEND Local Offer

To find out what each school provides for SEND, click the link to their SEND pages:

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South Devon High School (age 14 - 16) SEND Local Offer

The Government allows colleges to offer courses to pupils aged 14-16 who wish to access practical and technical education.

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Find Out of Area Secondary Schools in Devon SEND Local Offer

Since Torbay is a small area within Devon, some parents may wish to widen their search for their preferred school for their child or young person.

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Independent Travel Training SEND Local Offer

Independent Travel Training is a free scheme which has been set up by Children’s Services at Torbay Council. Our Independent Travel Training programme provides targeted support for Children and Young People with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our Trainer works with students from mainstream and special schools, education other than at school, and colleges of further education.

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School attendance SEND Local Offer

Help and advice for parents and carers on the attendance of their children at school.

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Home to school transport SEND Local Offer

Find out if your child is eligible for help with the cost of home to school transport.

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students having meal in class

Free school meals (pupil premium) SEND Local Offer

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 automatically get free school meals but you should still register your child to receive free school meals if you are eligible. By doing this your child’s entitlement can be checked on a regular basis so that their school can receive valuable additional funding for every child receiving a free school meal.

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Find Post 16 educational settings

Brixham College 6th Form SEND Local Offer

All students within our Sixth Form follow an agreed study programme which comprises their academic studies, tutor periods and enrichment. We intend that the acquisition of subject specialist knowledge combined with life skills and an understanding of the world around them, will equip our students for their future and enable them to make informed decisions. 

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Torquay Academy 6th form SEND Local Offer

Torquay Academy Sixth Form encourages all of its students to aspire to the highest levels of achievement and enables them to prepare for adult life. We offer a broad range of qualifications and encourage each individual to choose a balanced and challenging combination of courses appropriate to their strengths, interests and ambitions.

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Churston Grammar 6th Form SEND Local Offer

The only co-educational grammar school in the bay, Churston Ferrers Grammar School has a forward-looking approach in Years 12 and 13. You’re getting ready to move on to university or work, so as well as helping you get the grades you need, we prepare you in plenty of other ways, from work experience to mock interviews, UCAS fairs to individual careers advice and help with meetings with employers.

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Torquay Girls Grammar 6th Form SEND Local Offer

Our collective mission here is to ensure that every single student leaves after two years with as many options open to them as possible. We achieve this through developing character skills, academic confidence and self-esteem. This ensures that when the time comes for our students to leave us, they have the fundamental qualities to embark upon successful careers in any field they choose. Put simply, we want to enable them to be the very best versions of themselves.

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Exeter College SEND Local Offer

Exeter College is a thriving and growing tertiary College which places teaching, learning and student success as our top priority. We enjoy an excellent regional reputation with an ambition to be an exceptional college.

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Bicton College SEND Local Offer

If you are wondering what to do after GCSEs we can help. Our courses are developed to help you reach your full potential. To do this we combine your qualification with work experience and personal skills and development to make you stand out from the crowd. We want to make sure that you are well prepared for the workplace or higher education no matter what you decide to do with your future.

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Combe Pafford 6th Form SEND Local Offer

Thinking about the next step Post-16 can be a difficult and stressful time, but is a crucial decision for the young person to take. There are a number of options to consider, including South Devon College, Exeter College, Project Aspire, jobs, apprenticeships, and a number of bespoke opportunities. One exciting opportunity is to apply to stay on and join our Sixth Form, which is now over five years old and has developed a reputation for improving the work-readiness of students, and indeed has been successful at helping students get jobs and apprenticeships on leaving the Sixth Form. These options do not all suit all students, but anyone who is interested will be supported through Careers Education and Guidance to make a decision with which they are comfortable and which is in their best interests. Many students like the continuity of staying on and having the opportunity to embark on a long-term work placement with the support of a Job Coach. Students not yet ready for work enjoy improving their confidence and skills whilst experiencing structured work situations.

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South Devon College SEND Local Offer

Here at the College everything we do is built around you as a student. We will help you make the most of your time with us and progress to the next stage of your life, whether that is further or higher study or employment. Our passion for learning is unwavering and we pride ourselves in delivering an excellent experience for you through your personalised programmes of study. We offer a wide range of courses and qualifications for students of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, which are designed to help you develop your skills, knowledge and confidence and progress into employment in your chosen career or to higher education.

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ROC College SEND Local Offer

ROC College is a specialist college that provides education within Cornwall, Devon and Somerset. We work with young people between the ages of 16 and 25 with Education, Health and Care Plans.

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Oakwood Court College SEND Local Offer

Oakwood is a specialist college.

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Bidwell Brook School SEND Local Offer

Our Sixth Form aims to develop the skills necessary to ensure a smooth transition from our school to further education, employment, training and social or health care provision. Most of our Sixth Form students come from our school and may stay for up to three years, depending on their transition plan.

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Infocus College SEND Local Offer

We provide specialist education for young people age 16-25 with a wide range of vision impairment and other additional and complex needs. These vision impairments and complex needs might include:

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Eat That Frog SEND Local Offer

We aim to create a safe and fun environment for all our learners and strive to help them get they education they deserve to put them on the right track. 

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Find Out of Area  Post 16 educational settings in Devon  SEND Local Offer

Since Torbay is a small area within Devon, some parents may wish to widen thier search for thier prefered school for their young person. This may include sith form at schools or colleges in Devon.

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Independent Travel Training SEND Local Offer

Independent Travel Training is a free scheme which has been set up by Children’s Services at Torbay Council. Our Independent Travel Training programme provides targeted support for Children and Young People with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our Trainer works with students from mainstream and special schools, education other than at school, and colleges of further education.

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Post 16 transport SEND Local Offer

Find out if your child is eligible for free transport to sixth form or college and how to apply.

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Find Specialist educational provision

Barton Hill Academy - Enhanced Speech & Language Provision (Oysters Class) SEND Local Offer

The Enhanced Speech and Language Provision at Barton Hill Academy is a small class of 10 children (aged 4-8) from South Devon and Torbay, who receive intensive speech and language therapy and specialist teaching to help overcome their severe communication difficulties.

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Lodestar Academy (formerly Burton Academy) SEND Local Offer

The Academy is an alternative education provision for learners aged 11 to 16-years-old and whose needs cannot be met within a mainstream environment. In particular, the Academy provides placements for young people in the Torbay area (non-EHCP) who exhibit social, emotional and behavioural concerns.

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Preston Primary School - Nest - Enhanced Provision for Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) SEND Local Offer

The Nest provides 16 places for children of primary school age, who have a medical diagnosis of autism.  We currently provide for children in all of the year groups, aged 5 - 11, that Preston Primary caters for.

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St Margaret's Academy - Hearing Support Centre (HSC) SEND Local Offer

An important part of our school is our Hearing Support Centre (HSC). This is an enhanced provision in the Torbay area as St. Margaret's Academy is the designated primary school for pupils with hearing impairment, aged 4 - 11. There has been a hearing resource base here for over 50 years.  We cater for children with moderate to profound hearing loss.Children who attend the HSC are supported by an experienced specialist team comprising a Teacher of the Deaf, two Deaf Inclusion Workers and two Specialist Teaching Assistants.  The team has qualifications in Educational Audiology, Deaf Education, BSL (Levels 2, 3 and 6) and Cued Speech. 

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Mayfield Chestnut SEND Local Offer

Chestnut is a centre for children aged 5-11 years, experiencing complex social, emotional and mental health difficulties.  We have twenty places available. The main aim of the centre is to support children to be able to move back into mainstream provision or to signpost them to a specialist provision that can meet their needs.

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Combe Pafford School SEND Local Offer

Combe Pafford is a thriving special school which successfully caters for boys and girls, aged between 7 years and 19 years, who have moderate learning difficulties, physical difficulties or autism.     They have a strong commitment to provide an environment where pupils feel happy and safe, not to fear failure but to grow in confidence, increase self esteem and understand their capabilities in preparation for life outside and after school.

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Mayfield School SEND Local Offer

Mayfield School is for pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties, aged 3 - 19. The main school site is purpose built and includes sensory and soft play rooms, a hydrotherapy pool, specialist curriculum classrooms and spacious grounds which are currently being developed. The school enjoys pleasant surroundings and is close to two other schools, a Children's Centre and local amenities such as parks and shops.

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Paignton Academy - STEPS - Enhanced Provision for students with anxiety/phobic difficulties SEND Local Offer

The Academy is the designated secondary school in Torbay for students with anxiety/phobic difficulties.  As such, we have local authority funded places to ensure that Torbay has educational provision available for young people with a range-related difficulty.  This provision is based off-site at the Great Parks Community Centre and provides bespoke education for students placed by the local authority.  We tailor educational programmes for individuals that include core subject lessons plus humanities and physical activities.  The aim of the provision being to provide a step back into formal education, improve social interaction, and promote a desire to learn within students.

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The Spires College - Enhanced Provision for Autistic Spectrum Condition SEND Local Offer

The Spires College is proud to be a designated secondary school in Torbay for students who have high level Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) needs.  As part of this provision we have specialist staff and LSAs with training and experience that allows us to offer specialist support for students on the Autistic Spectrum who would otherwise struggle in a mainstream school. 

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Brixham College - Enhanced Provision for Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) SEND Local Offer

The ASC is an Enhanced Provision which operates through, and is attached to Brixham College.

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The Spires College - Enhanced Provision for Hearing Impairment SEND Local Offer

The Spires College is proud to be the designated secondary school in Torbay for students with hearing impairment.  As such, we have local authority funded places to ensure that Torbay has educational provision available for young people with a range of hearing loss.  As part of this provision, we have a Hearing Support Centre led by a specialist teacher of the deaf, Mr Lee Fullwood, and LSAs with training and experience that allows us to offer specialist support for students with hearing loss.

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Brunel School SEND Local Offer

Brunel School is a specialist provision for learners aged 11 to 16-years-old whose needs cannot be met within a mainstream environment. All students have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in relation to their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

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Mayfield College SEND Local Offer

Mayfield College is for pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties, aged 15-19.

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Medical Tuition Service (MTS) SEND Local Offer

MTS is here to put young people with agreed health issues into a position where they can access full-time education.

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Find Out of Area Special Schools in Devon SEND Local Offer

Since Torbay is a small area within Devon, some parents may wish to widen thier search for thier prefered school to be named on their child or young person's EHCP.

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Support of the UK Government

Independent special schools and colleges SEND Local Offer

Independent schools for pupils with special educational needs, including those approved under section 41 of the Children and Families Act. Independent special schools and post-16 institutions - GOV.UK

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School attendance SEND Local Offer

Help and advice for parents and carers on the attendance of their children at school.

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Home to school transport SEND Local Offer

Find out if your child is eligible for help with the cost of home to school transport.

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students having meal in class

Free school meals (pupil premium) SEND Local Offer

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 automatically get free school meals but you should still register your child to receive free school meals if you are eligible. By doing this your child’s entitlement can be checked on a regular basis so that their school can receive valuable additional funding for every child receiving a free school meal.

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Find Alternative educational provision

What is Alternative Provision (AP)? SEND Local Offer

Local authorities have a statutory duty under section 19 of the Education Act 1996.

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Access Communication Services SEND Local Offer

Access also aims to raise awareness of d/Deaf culture and understanding by providing Deaf Awareness tuition and signposting to other professional bodies where appropriate.

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Adelong Evolve - Adventure Therapy Practitioners SEND Local Offer

Adelong Outdoor Education and Evolve Psychotherapy have an established close working relationship and proven track record in Adventure Therapy.

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Bales Farm SEND Local Offer

Bale’s Farm offer a bespoke therapeutic session for those who feel they would enjoy the many benefitsfrom ecotherapy, such as lowering stress, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression. As well as support with growth and healing for mental health.

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Beyond Creative Education SEND Local Offer

An inclusion service committed to helping young people find their way back to loving learning.

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Breakthrough Transformation Trust SEND Local Offer

Breakthrough Transformation Trust is a charity that is passionate about seeing young people, and their families, succeed.

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Community Support Team SEND Local Offer

The Community Support Team is a Community Interest Company that was set up to provide bespoke educational, support and care packages within the education and social service sectors. We work closely with local authorities, SEN and inclusion teams, schools and specialist educational establishments, social workers and other professionals to provide the best outcomes for the young people we support.

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Evolve Psychotherapy SEND Local Offer

Interventions to support the well-being of all young people.

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Inspire Interventions SEND Local Offer

We believe that every child and young person deserves to flourish. And we know that everyone is different. We create bespoke, one-to-one intervention programmes that are tailored to the needs of the individual. Our alternative programmes have a proven track record in boosting confidence and building resilience in young people.

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Maker Arts SEND Local Offer

Maker Arts CIC is a community interest company based in the heart of Paignton, Torbay.We offer small groups of students aged 9-16 bespoke courses in mindfulness, employability, art and science.

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Mare & Foal Sanctuary SEND Local Offer

Equine assisted learning at The Mare and Foal Sanctuary focuses on developing psychosocial and emotional skills through goal-based outcomes. Equine assisted learning provides experiential learning opportunities for participants with our rescued horses and ponies. Equine assisted learning promotes selfdiscovery, insight and the development of emotional intelligence through carefully structured learner-centred sessions. Participants are guided to relate their learning to their life experience and can gain strategies to apply in their wider lives.

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MindSet SEND Local Offer

The MindSet team has an array of individuals ready and willing to help, from experienced SEN teaching staff and qualified SEN teachers, support workers, retired social worker, children’s psychologist, counsellor, behavioral support practitioner and more. MindSet offer one to one and peer intervention to those who cannot be in an educational setting full time. Group intervention is also available where appropriate and in the interest of those learning.

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On Track Education SEND Local Offer

'Woodlands', On Track's Intervention Centre, is nestled in the beautiful Dartington Estate. The centre has its own unique charm and could not be better suited to support vulnerable children who struggle with the pressures of the modern world.

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Play torbay logo

Play Torbay SEND Local Offer

We offer full or part-time placements for young people, referred by local authorities and schools, who do not find it easy to fit into existing educational provision.

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Poles APart SEND Local Offer

Poles APart is an alternative provision with a difference and we are proud to be working with young people across Devon and Cornwall. 

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Progression Services SEND Local Offer

We offer one-to-one education support to young people aged 4-16 who are struggling in their educational setting.  

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Reach Outdoors SEND Local Offer

We offer 1:1 sessions for young people requiring an adaptive or alternative education provision.

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Regroup Education

An alternative education and intervention provision based in Torbay as a quality option to full time mainstream provisions and caters for those who need something more bespoke. Our offer can be utilised alongside local authorities, schools, academies and other providers to ensure that there is a holistic approach to supporting pupils' needs across Devon and Torbay.

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Riviera Tuition SEND Local Offer

Riviera Tuition provides alternative provision in the form of individual or group professional tuition. The tuition offered is sometimes online and sometimes at thieir tuition base.

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Running Deer Intervention Services SEND Local Offer

Running Deer’s Intervention Service is tailored to support young people's needs and personal development. This includes improving self-esteem, confidence and communication, social and emotional wellbeing as well as supporting young people to process traumatic events in their lives. The service is aimed at young people from 7 years of age upwards.

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Simply Great Education SEND Local Offer

We provide a “Projects with Purpose” based learning approach to young people with autistic, social, emotional, wellbeing and special educational needs.

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Sirona SEND Local Offer

Sirona Therapeutic Horsemanship takes a person and horse centred holistic approach to workingwith people and horses and provides a non-judgemental, experiential and positive learning environment that enables people to:

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Sound Communities SEND Local Offer

Sound Communities is an alternative provision that offers bespoke education options to young people who are not coping in mainstream education at their premises or on school sites across South Devon and Torbay. 

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South West Intervention Services (SWIS) SEND Local Offer

SWIS are a dedicated team of professionals whohave a wealth of experience supporting children,young people and their families.

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Taleblazers SEND Local Offer

Alternative education programmes based around arts, heritage, nature, bushcraft and the outdoors. Our programmes are run either 1-1 or in small groups and are designed to support young people with a high degree of Special Educational Needs (SEN) / Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) need.

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Targeted Provision SEND Local Offer

We provide bespoke education and mentoring packages for young people with additional educational needs. Our offer is based on a 1:1 tuition model we provide tuition within the family home, children’s home, foster home or school.

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Tubers SEND Local Offer

Tubers Academy is an inclusive and welcoming environment where young people of all backgrounds learn professional video production and digital media skills.Students learn 1:1 as part of a small group through a bespoke curriculum incorporating tech skills and video projects, helping improve their feeling of achievement and self-worth as well as their communication and social skills.

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YMCA SEND Local Offer

We are able to offer alternative provision for children and young people from the local area.

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Acorn Alternative Provision SEND Local Offer

Acorn Alternative Provision School is a charitable organisation dedicated to serving young people atthe fringes of mainstream education. Our mission is to deliver educational programmes andinterventions in small, therapeutic learning environments across the UK. Our needs-led curriculumfocuses on closing gaps in English (including reading), maths, and personal development learning,while our passionate and committed staff help students develop their character and academic skills,ensuring improved opportunities for their future.

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Elective Home Education

Elective Home Education (EHE) SEND Local Offer

Information for families Electively Home Educating in Torbay

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South Devon College - Elective Home Education Scheme SEND Local Offer

At South Devon College we run a very successful and popular Elective Home Education programme, which is designed to meet the needs of the home educating community in South Devon.

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child studying online sitting at home

Home education useful websites SEND Local Offer

Home Learning is for everyone, whatever your age or your stage.  Whether you are at school or are Electively Home Educated, we hope the following information is helpful.

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EHE Information and Guidance on External Candidate Examination Entry SEND Local Offer

If you decide to enter your child into private examinations, you will hopefully find the following guidance helpful.

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Thing to consider when choosing external centres for examinations - EHE SEND Local Offer

It is important to discuss any arrangements with the chosen examination centre at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment.

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External centres for examinations EHE families in Torbay, have used SEND Local Offer

When considering the use of external centres for examinations, you may find it useful to look at this list that includes centres for examinations that EHE families have used.

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EHE and work experience or employment SEND Local Offer

It is important to be aware of the following legislation when it comes to your child being involved in any employment, work placed learning or vocational experiences that may take place in work environments:

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Elective Home Education (EHE) Newsletter SEND Local Offer

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