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About this page

Ideas to develop your baby or child’s communication skills. Find strategies, activities and resources that will help your child develop understanding, talking or communication skills. The resources and activities might be things you choose to do yourself at home. They might also include more particular activities advised by a practitioner or activities and programmes that your child's school or setting might use. You may find more specific activities that can be advised or delivered by a speech and language therapist.

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Early Communication

On these pages you will find information, advice and support to help your child's communication which is listed under universal, targeted or specialist and ideas to do at home, your child's progress, services, activities you can do and general information and websites you can go to. Click on one of the universal, targeted or specialist signposts or one of the green buttons below to find out more.

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Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)

The most fundamental life skill is the ability to communicate. Speech, language and communication needs is the term used to describe difficulties with:

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Information (universal)

Big Little Moments

Sharing Big Little Moments every day. How do the Big Little Moments work?

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Little Moments Together

The more we chat, play and read with our kids, the more we help build their brains.Any time, anywhere, whether at home or out and about, it all adds up.

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Language development

Information on what to expect, activities to try and some videos of parents talking about their experiences and demonstrating strategies and games:

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the-happy-people, your words build their world

BBC Tiny Happy People

Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child’s language skills. Explore our simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers’ amazing early development.

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booktrust bookstart

Bookstart Family Hub

Here you’ll find hints and tips on how you can have fun sharing stories with your child, more information about BookTrust’s Early Years offers, and further activities and book recommendations to continue your reading adventure.

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Encourage child's communication skills

Through the eyes of a child

Films narrated through the voice of the child by comedian Kathy Burke, These films are full of useful advice on how parents can encourage their child to talk and interact with them:

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better health logo

Learning to talk

Babies and young children love it when you chat, play and read with them, even if you think they’re too young to understand. You can turn almost anything into a game. And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school. Find some great top tips here to support you baby, toddler and child. Video's, activities and information for 1 to 2 years, 2 to 3 years and 3 to 5 years.

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better health logo

Language development

Information on what to expect, activities to try and some videos of parents talking about their experiences and demonstrating strategies and games:

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Services (universal)

contact us

Contact your public health nursing team

Health visitors are registered nurses/midwives who have additional training in community public health nursing who work in partnership with community public health staff nurses who are trained nurses and community nursery nurses.

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Early Communication, support and services in Torbay

Download our leaflet with information on the support and services you can expect in Torbay whether it's from your health visiting team, family hub or early years setting.

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contact us

Finding support

We want to help every parent or carer in Torbay to find the right support at the right time. Support isn’t just for the tough times. It’s there to help make your whole parenting experience easier and more enjoyable.

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Our Torbay Family Hub services

Download our leaflet for information on the services and support available in Torbay for infant feeding, your mental health and wellbeing and early communication.

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Libraries unlimited logo


Libraries Unlimited runs libraries in Torbay on behalf of Torbay Council. The four public libraries in Torbay are: Paignton Library, Torquay Library, Brixham Library and Churston Library. All libraries offer a range of events and activities, free access to books and information, free WiFi and a range of digital resources including eBooks and digital magazines.

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booktrust bookstart


Bookstart aims to encourage a love of books, stories and rhymes in children from as young an age as possible. Whether you’re a family wanting to find out what Bookstart can offer you, or an early years partner involved in delivering Bookstart, you’ll find all the information you need right here.

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Who do I talk to if I have concerns?

Talk to your Early Years Setting or Health Visitor at the

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Your child's progress (universal)

Ages and stages questionnaire

Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQs) help you and our staff understand how your child is developing, they are just one of the tools we may use during our contact with you – but of course most important of all is what you tell us about your child.

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Early Language Identification Measure (ELIM) tool

The ELIM is a short form that helps to identify where children are in their language journey at around 2 years of age.

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changing young lives

Universally Speaking - Ages and stages of children's communication development SEND Local Offer

Take a look at Speech and language UK's guide to typical stages of speech and language development in babies, children and young people.

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Your baby, toddler or child's speech and language development.

Information on what to typically expect, top tips and things you can do to encourage your baby, toddler of child's communication.

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Activities (universal)

Bounce and Rhyme at Torbay's Libraries

Libraries Unlimited provide a comprehensive library services across Torbay which includes regular events for children. Bounce and Rhyme is aimed at babies and toddlers to help their literacy development through the repetition of rhymes and songs. The group is also a great way for parents to meet and chat.

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toddler playing

My Developing Toddler

A weekly session with a rolling programme of development and behaviour support for parents.Each week we focus on a different area of your toddlers development including – General development/Speech, language and communication, Sleep, Toilet training, Managing children’s emotions, Dummy use and/or dental info, Healthy Lifestyles.

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smiling baby

My Developing Baby Group

Groups focused on child development.This is a weekly group for parents with their babies to attend and is based on offering specific advice and guidance for new mothers.Each week there will be a theme focused around your child’s development run by the family hub staff with breastfeeding peer supporters on hand to offer additional support. Click on our What's on pages for dates, times and venues. Just search My Developing Baby.

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Child Playing

Your developmental reviews

You will be offered regular health and development reviews (health visitor checks) for your baby until they are around 2. These are to support you and your baby, and make sure their development is on track.

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Your home (universal)

Activities to do at home

This is learning environment your child experiences at home with their family. ALL parents are educators of their children, and anyone can do it. It does not require you to be ‘the teacher’ or buy lots of resources. It requires your time and imagination and having lots of fun!

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