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What is SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities)?

Graduated Response (video for Children & Young People) SEND Local Offer

This video has been created by local Children and Young People. 

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What is SEND? SEND Local Offer

SEND is an acronym for Special Educational Needs and/or Disability/ies.

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How the law describes SEND SEND Local Offer

Section 20 of the Children and Families Act 2014 explains that a child or young person aged from 0 to 25 years old is said to have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) if they have:

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Section 23 - Duty of health bodies to bring certain children to local authority’s attention SEND Local Offer

Health professionals have a duty to tell the local authority if they believe a child under school age has, or is likely to have, special educational needs or a disability (SEND).

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Types of SEND (Department of Education (DfE) Categories) SEND Local Offer

The SEND Code of Practice categorises SEND into 4 areas of need:

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Particular medical conditions and individual Special Educational Needs

A to Z medical conditions SEND Local Offer

List provided by Contact for Families with Disabled Children

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Health Conditions A to Z (NHS) SEND Local Offer

Glossary of SEND acronyms and terms

Glossary of SEND acronyms and terms SEND Local Offer

Helping you understand the meaning of acronyms and terms frequently used in relation to Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in Torbay.

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Identifying Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Identifying SEND SEND Local Offer

All educational establishments (nurseries and pre-schools, schools and colleges) must have arrangements in place to identify SEND.

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SEND Frequently Asked Questions SEND Local Offer

The Torbay SEND team have created this document to help with frequently asked questions.

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SEND Support in Mainstream Schools

What is SEND Support? SEND Local Offer

SEND Support is the term used for extra and different support to meet the needs of children and young people with identified Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND).

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Duties on schools to make SEN provision SEND Local Offer

The SEND Code of Practice says mainstream schools must:

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Placement in mainstream schools SEND Local Offer

The majority of children with special educational needs will have their needs met in mainstream school at SEND support within the SEND Support and Provision – Graduated Response without the need for an EHCP.

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What SEND help and support can you expect school to provide? SEND Local Offer

Every school must publish an SEN information report about the SEND provision the school makes. You should be able to find your child or young person’s schools SEN information report on the schools website. You can also ask your child or young person’s teacher or the school’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator (SENDCO) for information on the SEND provision made by the school.

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Who decides what SEND Support your child or young person will get in school? SEND Local Offer

The SEND Code of Practice says:

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Assess, Plan, Do, Review infographic

The graduated approach SEND Local Offer

The SEND Code of Practice says:

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SEND funding for Children and Young people in mainstream Schools, Academies and Free Schools

Money from central government to fund schools SEND Local Offer

The Local Authority receive money from central government each year to fund schools. This is called the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG). The DSG is split into three parts or 'blocks':

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Element 1 - Basic pre-pupil entitlement - Core funding SEND Local Offer

This money comes from the Schools block of the Designated Schools Grant (DGS).

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Element 2 - Notional SEN Budget SEND Local Offer

This money comes from the Schools block of the Designated Schools Grant (DGS).

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Element 3 - Top-up funding - High Needs Block SEND Local Offer

This is provided from the high needs block element of the Designated Schools Grant (DGS), and is aimed mainly, though not exclusively, at pupils with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs).

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Local information & advice services for parents/carers of children and young people with SEND

NHS Perinatal and Infant Mental Health

 Support for unpaid Carers at your GP surgery (Carer Support Worker) SEND Local Offer

The information below provides more information about what Carers Support Workers do and the contact list for Carers Support Workers and other support for Carers in Torbay.

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Bay Benefits SEND Local Offer

Bay Benefits is a sevice offered by Carers Aid Torbay to unpaid carers and their families. Their entitlements advisor will work through the benefits process with unpaid carers.

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Carers Aid Torbay SEND Local Offer

Carers Aid Torbay will support any unpaid Carer in Torbay. We offer them advice, help, information, practical and emotional support to alleviate some of the stress created by the responsibilities of caring.

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Devon in Sight SEND Local Offer

Devon in Sight offers a range of holistic services for anyone affected by sight loss across Devon. We can provide support to people who are blind or partially sighted, their families, friends and carers.

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Dimensions for Autism (DFA) SEND Local Offer

DFA provides support to adults on the autism spectrum who do not have a learning disability in Devon.

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Early Help SEND Local Offer

Our Early Help Service is available to children and their families and is made up of two types of services that combine in different ways to form Torbay’s Early Help offer.

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Happy family of 4 people

Family Intervention Team (FIT) for Early Help SEND Local Offer

The Family Intervention Team offer focused family support to families with complex needs through targeted support. We work flexibly and creatively with parents and their children in their homes and in groups, to increase the skills, confidence and abilities of all family members to live their daily lives in a positive and safe way.   Key areas of work:

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Healthwatch Torbay SEND Local Offer

Healthwatch Torbay is the independent consumer champion for people using local health and social care services in Torbay, South Devon.

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Mayfield Hub Club SEND Local Offer

Weekly, Thursday evening, term-time club for young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions opperated by Play Torbay.

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Online tools and resources from Children and Family Health Devon SEND Local Offer

Using this directory of online tools and resources you can filter information by type of audience and by topic.

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SEND Family Voice Torbay (SFVT) - Parent Carer Forum SEND Local Offer

SEND Family Voice Torbay is an independent Parent Carer Forum recognised by the Department of Education. 

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Supporting families SEND Local Offer

The Supporting Families Programme is a Government funded initiative that has been running since 2015.

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Torbay Community Helpline SEND Local Offer

The Torbay Comunity Helpline is open to the people of Torbay to request help, volunteer their assistance or refer anyone they believe/know needs help.

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Torbay Mencap SEND Local Offer

Activities and support for individuals with learning disabilities and their families.

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Turn2us - Tackling Financial Insecurity Together SEND Local Offer

Explore what financial support you can get through welfare benefits and grants based on your circumstances.

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NHS Perinatal and Infant Mental Health

Torbay Carers Service SEND Local Offer

Lots of people care or support their relatives or friends. They may help with shopping or meals, attending appointments with them, or just making sure that they are alright. They may not see themselves as a carer or know about the support available to them.

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Tissues and Issues SEND Local Offer

Provides social support and access to information and guidance for parents and carers of young people who have a recognised disability, additional need or are awaiting diagnosis.

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SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) SEND Local Offer

We provide impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers & children/young people in relation to special educational needs and/or disability issues for children/young people aged 0-25. 

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National information & advice services for children and young people with SEND

Ability Net SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides advice and information about how computers and other digital technologies that can help people with a range of conditions and impairments. There is a range of free downloadable factsheets on their website and they also provide a helpline.

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Able2wear SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that specialises in the design and manufacture of clothes for wheelchair users, or for anyone who has problems in finding essential clothing that fits properly.

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ACE Centre SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provide Assistive Technology and Augmentative and Alternative Communication services for people of all ages with complex needs.

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Action for m.e. SEND Local Offer

National Organisation with online information about Mayalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

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Action for Sick Children SEND Local Offer

Facebook Group - Action for Sick Children’s mission is to ensure that healthcare in the UK meets the unique needs of all children and young people and their families.

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ADDers - ADD / ADHD Online Information SEND Local Offer

This National Organisations objective is to promote awareness to ADD, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and to provide information and as much free practical help as theyt can to those affected by the condition, both adults and children and their families.

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ADDISS - ADHD Information Service SEND Local Offer

ADDISS is The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service. including National ADHD and assocoiated conditions Information service, they can provide information, factsheets and recommend specialist books. The website has lots of helpful information and special sections for parents, children, teenagers and professionals.

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ADHD UK SEND Local Offer

ADHD UK is by people with ADHD for people with ADHD.

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Afasic - Unlocking Speech & Language SEND Local Offer

Afasic supports and provides information for families with children and young adults who have Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) with a focus on Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).

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Allergy UK SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides information and advice in relation to Allergies. Online information includes Allergy resources for schools.

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Anxiety UK SEND Local Offer

Anxiety UK is a national registered charity that provides information and support for anxiety, stress, anxiety-based depression or a phobia that’s affecting your daily life.

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Asthma + Lung UK SEND Local Offer

At Asthma + Lung UK, we believe that every breath matters – and that the right to breathe freely applies to everybody, regardless of income, age, ethnicity, gender, or background. For independent, confidential advice and support contact our Respiratory Nurses and Health Care Advisors.

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Ataxia UK SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides information, advice & support to sufferers, their families, carers & professionals. They also provide: Quarterly mag, info leaflets, videos & helpline.

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Autism Central for Parents and Carers SEND Local Offer

Autism Central is a peer education programme, commissioned by NHS England. It aims to build knowledge and understanding of autism and empower families and carers to advocate for autistic people they support. Local support helps families to get the right understanding and adjustments in place across the services they use.

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Autism Education Trust SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides loads of free online information and resources.

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Be My Eyes App SEND Local Offer

Be My Eyes is a free app that connects blind and low-vision people with sighted volunteers and company representatives for visual assistance through a live video call.

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Beat SEND Local Offer

Beat is the leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their families.

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Bibic SEND Local Offer

A national charity offering practical help to families caring for children with conditions like autism, aspergers, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, developmental delay, brain injury, and specific learning difficulties like ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia.

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Bipolar UK SEND Local Offer

A national charity dedicated to supporting individuals with the much misunderstood and devastating condition of bipolar, their families and carers.

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Brain Injury Hub - The Children's Trust SEND Local Offer

A resource for families, teachers and anyone who would like to know more about acquired brain injury in children.

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British Dyslexia Association SEND Local Offer

A membership organisation working to achieve a dyslexia-friendly society for all.

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Cerebra SEND Local Offer

A charity set up to help improve the lives of children with brain related conditions through research, education and directly supporting the children and their carers.

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Child Autism UK SEND Local Offer

Child Autism UK helps children with autism achieve their potential. We provide services to enable children to overcome difficulties with communication, learning and life skills and give families the techniques and strategies to cope with autism through the use of evidence-based strategies.

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Child Growth Foundation  SEND Local Offer

Organisation that supports children, adults and families affected by rare growth conditions.

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Child Law Advice SEND Local Offer

Free specialist legal advice and information on child, family and education law for parents, carers and young people in England from Coram Children’s Legal Centre.

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Children with Diabetes SEND Local Offer

Facebook Groups - Our objectives are to increase knowledge and awareness about diabetes and its treatment in children and young people. We share experiences of living with diabetes.

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Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS) SEND Local Offer

Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS) is a tri-service organisation funded by the Ministry of Defence (MOD). It was established to provide information and support to Service families and eligible MOD civilians on all aspects of the education of their children in the UK and overseas.

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Contact SEND Local Offer

A UK wide charity providing advice, information and support to the parents of all disabled children.

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Cystic Fibrosis Trust SEND Local Offer

National Organisation responsible for research, education & support in all areas of cystic fibrosis.

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DELTA - Deaf Education through Listening and Talking SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides information, advice & practical help to parents to help their deaf child to listen & talk.

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Diabetes UK SEND Local Offer

We’re leading the fight against the UK’s biggest and growing health crisis. And it’s a fight that involves us all – sharing knowledge and taking on diabetes together.

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DigiBete SEND Local Offer

DigiBete is a place to help young people and families to manage Type 1 Diabetes via a video platform and app, and  one-stop-shop for young people’s diabetes management.

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Dimensions autism friendly environments SEND Local Offer

Find out about Dimensions’ autism friendly cinemas, libraries, museums and Belong by GAME Arenas.

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Disability Matters SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides free e-learning resources about disabilities.

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DLD and me - Developmental Language Disorder SEND Local Offer

A website for kids and teenagers to learn about Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and to share how they've told others. 

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Down's Syndrome Association SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that offers information, advice and support to people with Down's syndrome, their families and carers and the professionals who work with them. We have a general information and support helpline, and specialist benefits and education advisors.

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Dyspraxia Foundation SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides advice, information, support, professional & parental conferences and much more.

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Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence (ERIC) SEND Local Offer

National charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health. 

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Epilepsy Action SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides support, information, training, assessment, freephone helpline, publications & comprehensive website.

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Epilepsy Society SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that is committed to increasing the awareness and understanding of epilepsy both among people whose lives are directly affected by the condition, and the wider public.

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FASD Awareness SEND Local Offer

FASD Awareness was established in 2018 to support the FASD community and raise awareness of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). These two aims are met by providing support and friendship groups, activity days, education, training, and information to the FASD community and the wider population. 

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FND Friends SEND Local Offer

A charity that supports adults, children and their families diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder and adults, children and their families awaiting diagnosis.

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Fragile X Society SEND Local Offer

The Fragile X Society aims to improve the lives of those affected by Fragile X and associated conditions by providing information and continued support to families and professionals they work with. Working together with those affected, the Society supports an inclusive community of people who understand the specific needs of Fragile X.

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Haemophilia Society SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides info & advice to sufferers and their families.

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Huntington's Disease Association SEND Local Offer

National Organisation, giving support and advice to families/carers and people with Huntington’s Disease, as well as health care professionals.  Thier website also has lots of information about children, teens and young adults who have Juvenile Huntington’s Disease. Contact Head Office for details of local support groups.

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InDependent Diabetes Trust SEND Local Offer

National Organisation for people living with diabetes run by people living with diabetes.

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Information, Advice and Support Services Network (IASS Network) SEND Local Offer

SENDIAS services can support children, young people and their families on a range of issues including: school exclusions; EHC Needs Assessments; supporting conversations with a school or local authority; representation at SEND tribunals.

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IPSEA - Independent Parental Special Education Advice SEND Local Offer

IPSEA is an independent national advice and support centre which offers free and independent legal advice and support in England and Wales.  IPSEA deals with issues such as appeals to the SEN tribunal, disability discrimination in school and support for SEN pupils in school.

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Learning for Life SEND Local Offer

Learning for Life covers late primary, secondary, and beyond school, focusing on the Relationships and Sexual Education curriculum. The resources are created in line with what the Down's Syndrome community needs; teaching on personal health, emotions, relationships, and appropriate behaviour.

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Living Made Easy - Disability Living Foundation - Shaw Trust SEND Local Offer

Living Made Easy is a programme from DLF, part of Shaw Trust. We believe everyone has the right to live a decent and dignified life, we challenge inequality, and our work aims to break down barriers to enable social mobility

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Mencap SEND Local Offer

A UK charity for people with a learning disability and their families.

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Meningitis Now SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides a range of services for those touched by the disease. The website includes information and support option available including an online community, peer support and much more.

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Muscular Dystrophy UK SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides practical and emotional support to sufferers & their carers.

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National Association for Special Educational Needs (NASEN) SEND Local Offer

A charitable membership organisation that exists to support and champion those working with, and for, children and young people with SEND and learning differences.

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National Autistic Society SEND Local Offer

A National Organisation that offers information, advice & support to people with Autism and Autistic Spectrum Conditions, their families, carers & professionals.

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National Deaf Children's Society SEND Local Offer

We’re here for every deaf child who needs us, no matter what their level or type of deafness or how they communicate.

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National Eczema Society SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that aims to provide comprehensive information and advice service and a campaigning voice on behalf of people with eczema. They also provide information and advice specifically for teachers on eczema in schools.

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National Organisation for FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) SEND Local Offer

The National Organisation for FASD is dedicated to supporting people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), their families and communities. It promotes education for professionals and public awareness about the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. 

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Network 81 SEND Local Offer

A charity that supports, advises and trains parents and carers about the education of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

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UK charity supporting children and families living with the neuropsychiatric conditions PANS (Paediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) and PANDAS (Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections).

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PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) Society SEND Local Offer

We provide information, support and training about PDA for individuals, families and professionals. 

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Rainbow Trust SEND Local Offer

A Charity supports families who have a child with a life-threatening or terminal illness.

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RNID - Supporting people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinitus SEND Local Offer

A national charity supporting more than 18 million people in the UK who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus.

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Royal society from blind children (RSBC) SEND Local Offer

RSBC are here to support you and your family if you have a blind or partially sighted child aged 0-25. We offer a range of services including emotional support and practical advice for families, opportunities for children and young people to build confidence and skills through activities, and a specialist further education college - Dorton College.

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SCOPE SEND Local Offer

A disability equality charity that provides practical information and emotional support when it's most needed.

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SEND Protect SEND Local Offer

We believe that every family deserves access to the financial education and support they need to plan for their child's future. We're here to help you navigate the complex world of special educational needs & disabilities and create a plan that works for your unique situation.

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SENsational Life - online support group for parents of autistic children SEND Local Offer

Facebook Group - Our mission at SENsational Life is to support and empower neurodiverse families; giving parents of autistic children the tools, strategies and knowledge to provide and secure the support and services needed for an inclusive and happy life.

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Sense SEND Local Offer

National Organisation supporting deafblind & sensory impaired children, adults, their families & carers.

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Shine - spina bifida and or hydrocephalus SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that provides advice, practical support & information to people with spina bifida and or hydrocephalus, their families, carers and other professionals.

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Sibs SEND Local Offer

Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. It is the only UK charity representing the needs of over half a million young siblings and over one and a half million adult siblings.

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We exist to create a world that makes space for stammering. Where a stammer is embraced as just a difference. Where no-one judges us on our stammer or the way we choose to deal with it.

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SWAN (Syndromes Without A Name) UK SEND Local Offer

SWAN UK (syndromes without a name) is the only dedicated support network available for families of children and young adults with undiagnosed genetic conditions in the UK. It is run by the charity Genetic Alliance UK.

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Teach Me Too SEND Local Offer

Teach Me Too provides resources for early years and KS1. It covers Literacy, Maths, the Wider Curriculum, Exploring Language and Language through Play.

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The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity SEND Local Offer

The ADHD Foundation take a strength-based approach for people who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, DCD, Dyscalculia, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome and more.

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The AT (Ataxia-Telangiectasia) Society SEND Local Offer

National Organisation that aim to alleviate the distress and suffering that A-T causes by Funding Research, Supporting Families and Raising Awareness. From the shock of the initial diagnosis through to treatment and the challenges of everyday living, we can provide support, advice and advocacy for people with AT and their family, friends and carers.

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Tourettes action SEND Local Offer

Tourettes Action is run by a small team of dedicated staff and an experienced board of trustees who have worked with Tourette Syndrome and disability organisations. 

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Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Their website contains useful information on a range of mental health problems, including postnatal and antenatal depression, perinatal mental health problems, postpartum psychosis, and postnatal depression and perinatal mental health problems experienced by dads and partners, as well as drugs, treatments and tips for everyday living. Mind also offer a range of online support services, as well as local groups. Bromley, Lewisham and Greenwich Mind have also published a downloadable leaflet, setting out advice on “Better mental health for new dads, partners and non-birthing parents”.For more information on the services offered at Devon Mind, please visit their website or Facebook page. Telephone: 01752 512280 Website: https://www.devonmind.com/ Facebook: @MindDevon Email: hello@devonmind.comTelephone: 0300 123 3393 (Mind Infoline – Mon-Fri, 9.00am-6.00pm, not including Bank Holidays) Website: https://www.mind.org.uk/ Facebook: @mindforbettermentalhealth Email: contact@mind.org.uk

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