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Introduction (TEYGAT)

Torbay Early Years Graduate Approach Toolkit (Introduction) SEND Local Offer

Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit (TEYGAT) aims to provide a one-stop-shop, for all early years providers to promote inclusive practice and support the additional needs of early years children at a targeted level. For some children universal provision may not meet all of their needs.  The importance of early identification and intervention with appropriate multi-agency support is key to addressing young children’s needs. 

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The Four Areas of Need - TEYGAT SEND Local Offer

The support detailed in the Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit (TEYGAT) is organised under the four areas of need as described in the SEN Code of Practice 2015:  

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Making Reasonable Adjustments: The Equality Act 2010 - Principles of inclusion and our duties to children with SEND Making Reasonable Adjustments SEND Local Offer

The Equality Act 2010 says education settings must not discriminate against a child because of their disability. This is unlawful under the Act. Where a child has a disability, the LA and/or the early years setting and/or school have a duty: 

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Making Reasonable Adjustments: The Equality Act 2010 - When must education settings make reasonable adjustments?  SEND Local Offer

The duty to make adjustments applies to all of the education setting’s activities and the decisions that are made by teachers and staff including: admissions; exclusions; access to trips; attendance; help and support; learning activities and materials; the application of policies  

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Early Years - Communication and Interaction

What is meant by Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

Speech, Language & Communication (SLC) difficulties arise at different ages and with different levels of severity. There may be related learning difficulties in general or in specific aspects of SLC.  Often children will present with related Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.

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Universal Support for Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

All children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. Children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives, so their experiences in early years have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning provide the foundation children need to fulfil their potential.

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Each unique child presents in their own way - Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

All children will develop their Speech, Language and Communication (SLC) skills at their own pace with their unique patterns of development.

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Supporting the prerequisites to verbal communication - Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

Use VERVE (Video, Endorse, Respect, Vitalise, Eyes) techniques VERVE Child Interaction Blog - Welcome  to support the child’s initiation of interactions.  Try and remain silent, carefully watching for the child’s eye gaze before making a vocal comment in response to the child’s gaze towards you.

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Developing language skills - Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

Model play actions alongside the child using similar toys and objects that the child is already engaged in.  Accompany play actions with simple single words and gestures or signs, as appropriate.  Special Time – an adult/child play session that is child-led and routine in nature Tools/Families (brightfutures.org)

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Visual Communication support - Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

Visual communication support by using photos of the child, their family and favourite toys and activities; Boardmaker and Widgit pictures, Makaton symbols, drawings.  Use your phone, iPad or other technology to store and share photos with the child to support your words.

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Targeted interventions for small groups of children - Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

Include the child in a small, targeted language programme such as Early Talk Boost recording the child’s skills pre and post intervention. Follow the manual suggesting a set sequence of activities using the resources provided.

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Supporting the learning environment - Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

Ensure to provide a ‘total communication environment’ in the setting.  This involves the adults as well as the physical provision.  Building a total communication environment means making subtle and simple changes to our communication and environment so that we can improve interaction and understanding.

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References and documents to support Early Years - Communication and Interaction SEND Local Offer

Initiations & Interactions:  Early Intervention Techniques for Parents of Children with ASD Initiations and Interactions: Early Intervention Techniques for Children with ASD: Early Intervention Techniques for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Amazon.co.uk: Teresa A. Cardon: 9781931282321: Books

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Early Years - Cognition and Learning

What is meant by Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

Children presenting with delays in their cognition and learning may initially show difficulties in engagement with others and/or delayed play skills.  Adults may need to adapt the provision to suit the child’s social play skills as well as the activities available.  Crucially, the child’s communication and interaction skills may need support from adults through using the targeted responses.  The child with delays in cognition and learning may also present with other developmental delays, such as in self-care, fine and gross motor skills and sensory differences. 

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Universal Support for Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

In planning and guiding what children learn, practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust their practice appropriately. The three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are playing and exploring; active learning & creating and thinking critically.  Here are the small step observations identified in the Development Matters document - 2020 for 0–3-year-olds, that practitioners can support young children to achieve as part of their universal provision.

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Each Unique Child Presents in Their Own Way - Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

Here is a checklist, based on the above Characteristics of Effective Learning observations.  It lists typical responses from young children, whose cognition and learning is developing at a different pace and pattern than that expected.  From identifying some of these responses linked to your unique child, you may be able to make those small adaptations or change your approaches to help the child make progress.

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Supporting engagement and exploration through sensory play- Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting persistence and developing motivation through cause and effect play - Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting social play skills with peers through modelling and demonstration - Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting children’s learning through enhanced communication support - Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Documents to support Early Years - Cognition and Learning SEND Local Offer

(Suggested assessments and references that are not listed in any particular order)

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Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

What is meant by Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health? SEND Local Offer

Children’s development follows its own unique pathway with some needing more support to reach key milestones. The EYFS reforms were introduced in September 2021 and self-regulation became one of the early learning goals for personal, social and emotional development. Many children experience dysregulation when their emotions overwhelm them, this can be appropriate to their age and stage. If it is happening frequently then this may be a cause for concern. Having considered the child’s age/stage and any other contributory factors, we may identify a significant need in terms of dysregulation and regard this as a Social, Emotional, Mental Health (SEMH) need. Children can present in a variety of ways when dysregulated: some withdraw both emotionally and physically whereas some will present loudly with some undesired physical behaviours.

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Universal Support for Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

All children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. Children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives, so their experiences in early years have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning provide the foundation children need to fulfil their potential.

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Each unique child presents in their own way - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

The principles of the EYFS advocate the unique child whose interests, preferences and needs are supported through positive relationships and sensitive interactions within an enabling environment both inside and outside to promote learning and development through self-regulation.

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Supporting an understanding of young children’s self-regulation - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

All young children need support with some aspects of their personal, social and emotional development. Some children remain regulated when presented with day-to-day challenges whereas others may find it more difficult to manage their emotional responses.

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Supporting self-regulation through a setting approach - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

Settings could develop a Regulation Policy to replace or sit alongside their behaviour management policy to create a consistent approach to supporting regulation.

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Supporting self-regulation through discussion and peer on peer support - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting strategies to promote self-regulation - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

Some children may need sensory breaks to help them remain regulated – too much noise, crowded spaces or bright lights can trigger dysregulation. Regular visits to the outside area may help this or short bursts of exercise – 10 star jumps or running around the garden three time.

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Supporting children with speech, language and communication needs which impact on their social, emotional and mental health needs - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

Early Communication and Language monitoring tool - Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk)

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Resources which support - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

If a child has a high level of additional need in SEMH, setting can apply to the ALFI board and a completed Emotional Regulation Plan has the same weighting as an ILDP.

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Supporting positive relationships through Chat, Play, Read at home and in the setting - Early Years - Social, Emotional and Mental Health SEND Local Offer

These are the key messages:

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Early Years - Physical and/or Sensory: Physical needs (PD)

What is meant by Early Years – Physical needs (PD) SEND Local Offer

The definition of disabled children and young people is set out in the Equality Act 2010: that is a child who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on normal day-to-day activities.

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Universal Support for Early Years – Physical needs (PD) SEND Local Offer

All children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. Children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives, so their experiences in early years have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning provide the foundation children need to fulfil their potential.

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Each Unique Child Presents in Their Own Way – Early Years – Physical needs (PD) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting Early Years – Physical needs (PD) SEND Local Offer

Seek professionals’ advice:

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Resources to support Early Years – Physical needs (PD) SEND Local Offer

Portage is a home teaching service for families with pre-school children who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The success and popularity of Portage is based on the premise that it promotes parents/carers as the key figures in the development of their child Torbay Portage Service - Family Hub (torbayfamilyhub.org.uk)

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Early Years - Physical and/or Sensory: Visual Impairment (VI)

What is meant by Early Years – Visual Impairment (VI) SEND Local Offer

Sensory impairments can be present at birth or develop over time. A sensory impairment can be defined as an impairment that affects a child or young person’s ability to access auditory or visual information. This section refers to the children with a Visual Impairment (VI) which sometimes can be corrected by glasses. When this is not possible, there can be an impact on the child or young person’s learning and development.

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Universal Support for Early Years – Visual Impairment (VI) SEND Local Offer

Torbay’s Visual Impairment (VI) Service offer advice and support. Torbay Visual Impairment (VI) Service has been developed to provide specialist support and advice to all Torbay’s Local Authority early years settings and schools, including special schools and provisions. The service supports the inclusion of pupils with visual impairments in all these settings.

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Each Unique Child Presents in Their Own Way – Early Years – Visual Impairment (VI) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting Early Years – Visual Impairment (VI) SEND Local Offer

In planning and guiding what children learn, practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust their practice appropriately.

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Resources to support Early Years – Visual Impairment (VI) SEND Local Offer

RNIB | Homepage of the Royal National Institute of Blind People

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Early Years - Physical and/or Sensory: Hearing Impairment (HI)

What is meant by Early Years – Hearing Impairment (HI) SEND Local Offer

Hearing impairment can be considered significant if the child:

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Universal Support for Early Years – Hearing Impairment (HI) SEND Local Offer

A child's hearing may be checked:

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Each Unique Child Presents in Their Own Way – Early Years – Hearing Impairment (HI) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting Early Years – Hearing Impairment (HI) SEND Local Offer

Adults support children with Hearing Impairment (HI) through:

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Resources to support Early Years – Hearing Impairment (HI) SEND Local Offer

Sign BSL (Sign BSL – Apps on Google Play or website version www.signbsl.com)

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Early Years - Physical and/or Sensory: Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI)

What is meant by Early Years – Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) SEND Local Offer

Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) refers to combined visual and hearing impairment.

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Universal Support for Early Years – Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) SEND Local Offer

All children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. Children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives, so their experiences in early years have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning provide the foundation children need to fulfil their potential.

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Each Unique Child Presents in Their Own Way – Early Years – Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting Early Years – Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) SEND Local Offer

In planning and guiding what children learn, practitioners must reflect on the different rates at which children are developing and adjust their practice appropriately.

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Resources to support Early Years – Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI) SEND Local Offer

Sense offers free support helps children who are deafblind or who have complex disabilities access education, playgroups and holidays, so they have the same life experiences as everyone else.

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Early Years - Physical and/or Sensory: Sensory processing needs

What is meant by Early Years – Sensory processing needs SEND Local Offer

Sensory processing needs: A child may experience dysregulation triggered through a sensory overload, e.g. excessive noise; specific types of bright lighting, the feel of clothing labels against the skin, the texture or colour of some foods as well as the taste or smell. A child may present with sensory processing needs which are broader as they are linked to children’s five senses (sight, taste, smell, touch and hear). The vestibular and proprioceptive systems are sometimes included, described as the sixth and seventh senses which relate to balance and spatial orientation helping with coordination of movements. Sensory processing need may need further support from the GP or Paediatrician.

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Universal Support for Early Years – Sensory processing needs SEND Local Offer

All children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. Children learn and develop at a faster rate from birth to five years old than at any other time in their lives, so their experiences in early years have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe, and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high-quality early learning provide the foundation children need to fulfil their potential.

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Each Unique Child Presents in Their Own Way – Early Years – Sensory processing needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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Supporting Early Years – Sensory processing needs SEND Local Offer

View and/or download the Torbay Early Years Toolkit here: Torbay Early Years Graduated Approach Toolkit – Family Hub

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