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About this page

Ideas to develop your baby or child’s communication skills. Find strategies, activities and resources that will help your child develop understanding, talking or communication skills. The resources and activities might be things you choose to do yourself at home. They might also include more particular activities advised by a practitioner or activities and programmes that your child's school or setting might use. You may find more specific activities that can be advised or delivered by a speech and language therapist.

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Early Communication

On these pages you will find information, advice and support to help your child's communication which is listed under universal, targeted or specialist and ideas to do at home, your child's progress, services, activities you can do and general information and websites you can go to. Click on one of the universal, targeted or specialist signposts or one of the green buttons below to find out more.

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Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)

The most fundamental life skill is the ability to communicate. Speech, language and communication needs is the term used to describe difficulties with:

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Information (targeted)

What is Makaton?

Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression. Find out more about Makaton here.

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Your home (targeted)

booktrust getting children reading-logo

Bookstart Packs

Bookstart aims to encourage a love of books, stories and rhymes in children from as young an age as possible. Whether you’re a family wanting to find out what Bookstart can offer you, or an early years partner involved in delivering Bookstart, you’ll find all the information you need right here.

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Activities (targeted)

changing young lives

Early Talk Boost

A program for 3-4 year old children in nurseries improves language and communication skills by 6 months on average in 9 weeks with parental involvement through shared books. Most importantly, the programme helps to boost their language skills to narrow the gap between them and their peers. The programme aims to accelerate children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 5 months after 9 weeks.

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Home learning play packs

There are five play packs Mark Making, Music Bag, Singing Bag, Sensory Bag and Peekaboo. These are play packs that are left with families between Home Learning Environment workers visits to ensure the families have the resources to carry out the strategies that are put in place.

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Peep learning together programme

Supporting children's learning through play by providing activities for parents, carers, and practitioners to engage in during weekly sessions and at home. Watch this video to find out more.

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Talk and Play

An interactive story and singing session to promote child development focusing on language and communication skills through sharing stories, singing and other area related activities.

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changing young lives

Tots Talking

Eight one-hour weekly sessions aim to enhance communication skills in two-year-olds by involving parents and caregivers to promote language development based on research findings. Ask your setting for further information. Each session lasts for one hour.

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cfhd- children and family health devon

Children and Family Health Devon resources

Children and Family Health Devon have a number of toolkits (concentrating & listening, play, understanding words, using words and sentences, sensory processing, sounds and speech, social and emotional development, stammering) to help support you and your child.

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Services (targeted)

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Finding support

We want to help every parent or carer in Torbay to find the right support at the right time. Support isn’t just for the tough times. It’s there to help make your whole parenting experience easier and more enjoyable.

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Home learning outreach worker

The Outreach Worker supports children with developmental delays by providing strategies during home visits focused on chatting, playing, and reading for four weeks.

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Our Torbay Family Hub services

Download our leaflet for information on the services and support available in Torbay for infant feeding, your mental health and wellbeing and early communication.

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Libraries unlimited logo


Libraries Unlimited runs libraries in Torbay on behalf of Torbay Council. The four public libraries in Torbay are: Paignton Library, Torquay Library, Brixham Library and Churston Library. All libraries offer a range of events and activities, free access to books and information, free WiFi and a range of digital resources including eBooks and digital magazines.

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booktrust bookstart


Bookstart aims to encourage a love of books, stories and rhymes in children from as young an age as possible. Whether you’re a family wanting to find out what Bookstart can offer you, or an early years partner involved in delivering Bookstart, you’ll find all the information you need right here.

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Who do I talk to if I have concerns?

Talk to your Early Years Setting or Health Visitor at the

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Your child's progress (targeted)

changing young lives

Progress Tracker from Speech and Language UK

1.9 million children currently struggle with talking and understanding words. Speech and Language UK's progress checker is based on what they know about how babies and children develop skills. Choose the age of the child and then answer the questions. At the end, they will direct you to some helpful advice and resources.

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Speech, Language and Communication - Ages and Stages Guides

I CAN’s Talking Point gives parents/carers and practitioners the information they need to help children develop their speech, language and communication skills. If a child has difficulty with speaking, they may need help, or they may struggle in nursery or school. With the right help, they can develop the skills they need. 

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torbay portage service.

Torbay Portage Service SEND Local Offer

What is Portage? Portage is a home teaching service for families with pre-school children who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The success and popularity of Portage is based on the premise that it promotes parents/carers as the key figures in the development of their child.

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Your baby, toddler or child's speech and language development.

Information on what to typically expect, top tips and things you can do to encourage your baby, toddler of child's communication.

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