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Family Hub Services

Baby Massage

Discover the Magic of Baby Massage!

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Family Wellbeing Group

Join Our Baby and Parent Wellbeing Group!

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Finding support for you and your family

We want to help every parent or carer in Torbay to find the right support at the right time. Support isn’t just for the tough times. It’s there to help make your whole parenting experience easier and more enjoyable.

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Have you just moved to Torbay?

Welcome to 0 to 19 Torbay. Helping families find ways to avoid illness and stay fit, happy and healthy.

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Our Torbay Family Hub services

Download our leaflet for information on the services and support available in Torbay for infant feeding, your mental health and wellbeing and early communication.

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Ramble Club

Are you ready to explore the stunning landscapes of Torbay? Look no further than Ramble Club, our family-friendly walking and talking group. The Ramble Club offers the perfect opportunity to:

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Torbay Family Hub Services Leaflet

Download our helpful leaflet with all our perinatal mental health and parent infant relationship services and support for families living in Torbay. Click on the links underlined for more information about each service.

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Family Hub Torbay Logo

Torbay Family Hub, information, support, advice

Support, information and services to support parents, carers, children young people and practitioners.

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Video Interactive Guidance (VIG) for parents and carers

VIG is a strengths-based, effective, brief intervention for parents and carers of children across all ages. VIG can even be used during pregnancy to help you to connect with your unborn baby. Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) can help you to see what you are already doing that is helping your baby/child – strengths that you may not know you have.

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Understanding your unborn baby

First trimester baby picture

First Trimester

You and your baby building the most amazing human bodyYour baby’s primitive heart begins beating at about day 22 after fertilisation enabling very primitive blood cells to circulate, and this makes the heart the first functioning organ system.Within weeks after conception your baby’s brain is beginning to bulge and will be given a high priority in the period of growth both before and after birth. Your baby will be having a range of sensory experiences in response to what is going on inside and outside your tummy. Your baby will be able to respond to sound, vibration and vestibular (balance) changes – as you move, your baby responds accordingly.Emotional development of your baby begins long before its first breath of air. Towards the end of the first trimester your growing baby begins to leap and use the walls of your uterus as a trampoline.By week 9 Their fingers and toes are almost complete and they have touch pads on their fingers.By week 10 Your growing baby contains all the organ structures that a new-born baby has, but in an immature state.By week 11 Your baby’s body length has doubled and all vital organs are fully formed. Other coordinated activities such as stretching, swallowing, yawning and sucking are beginning to enlarge.

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baby in second trimester picture

Second Trimester

Continuing to build the most amazing human body

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Third trimester baby picture

Third Trimester

Finishing building the most amazing human body

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Recommended resources

Apps to support parent infant relationships

Download the Baby Buddy App a free interactive pregnancy and parenting app to provide trusted, evidenced based information and self care tools based on the latest research and is aligned to the NHS.

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Getting to know your baby videos from AIMH

Getting to Know Your Baby videos have been designed to help parents, caregivers, and health professionals to know how to support the development of a baby’s emotional wellbeing. See categories for more videos: -

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Websites for parent infant relationships

You can find links to recommended websites and information in this section.

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