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Moving towards Adulthood

Moving towards adulthood SEND Local Offer

The transition into adulthood from 14 to 18 years of age is an important time in the lives of young people.

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Preparing for Adulthood Outcomes SEND Local Offer

In Torbay, when young people move from childhood to adulthood, this is known as a ‘Transition’. We recognise this can be a daunting time for young people and their carers.

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Involving young people in decision making SEND Local Offer

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I wish I'd known SEND Local Offer

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Exploring Post 16 Educational Options SEND Local Offer

Please see Post 16 Educational Opportunities which is a related topic on Moving towards Adulthood and can also be found at Post 16 Educational Opportunities.

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Torbay Young Peoples views about Supported Internships SEND Local Offer

Local Supported Internships for young people aged between 17 and 20 have taken place in various employment settings and in various job roles - these have included working as a Cleaner, Sales Assistant, Hospital Porter, Ward Clerk, Ward Buddy, Tyre Mechanic, Waiter, Chef.

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What is a phase transfer (video for Children & Young People)

This video has been created by local Children and Young People.

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Independent Travel Training SEND Local Offer

Independent Travel Training is a free scheme which has been set up by Children’s Services at Torbay Council. Our Independent Travel Training programme provides targeted support for Children and Young People with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our Trainer works with students from mainstream and special schools, education other than at school, and colleges of further education.

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Year 9

Why do we have to start planning in Year 9? SEND Local Offer

High goals are important to success.

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Moving towards Adulthood Pathway (Years 9 & 10) SEND Local Offer

This flowchart will help you understand the moving towards adulthood pathway.

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Preparing for Adulthood Outcomes SEND Local Offer

In Torbay, when young people move from childhood to adulthood, this is known as a ‘Transition’. We recognise this can be a daunting time for young people and their carers.

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Year 9 Annual Reviews SEND Local Offer

The Year 9 annual review of your young person’s Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP) is very important and begins the preparation for adulthood. This is the time to start thinking about:

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The Preparing for Adulthood Review Process SEND Local Offer

Great reviews start with great preparation - to find out what is needed watch this animate for more information.

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CSW Group - Careers Advice SEND Local Offer

CSW Group provides free information, advice, guidance and support to people of all ages to help them to enter work and learning.

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Exploring Post 16 Educational Options SEND Local Offer

Please see Post 16 Educational Opportunities which is a related topic on Moving towards Adulthood and can also be found at Post 16 Educational Opportunities.

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Year 10

Access Arrangements (help in exams) SEND Local Offer

Extra help or adjustments to exams are called 'Access Arrangements'.

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Considering Post 16 options SEND Local Offer

For young people with an EHCP, your young person’s Year 10 annual review will revisit the ideas first made in the Year 9 Preparing for Adulthood plan.

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Moving towards Adulthood Pathway (Years 9 & 10) SEND Local Offer

This flowchart will help you understand the moving towards adulthood pathway.

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Preparing for Adulthood Outcomes SEND Local Offer

In Torbay, when young people move from childhood to adulthood, this is known as a ‘Transition’. We recognise this can be a daunting time for young people and their carers.

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CSW Group - Careers Advice SEND Local Offer

CSW Group provides free information, advice, guidance and support to people of all ages to help them to enter work and learning.

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Exploring Post 16 Educational Options SEND Local Offer

Please see Post 16 Educational Opportunities which is a related topic on Moving towards Adulthood and can also be found at Post 16 Educational Opportunities.

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Year 11

Access Arrangements (help in exams) SEND Local Offer

Extra help or adjustments to exams are called 'Access Arrangements'.

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Considering the future (Year 11) SEND Local Offer

This is a very important year for your young person. Decisions, building on the research started in Year 10, will need to be made. Your young person will now need to think about the type of course they want to do and how that links to their future career path.

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Year 11 - Preparing for Adulthood Pathway SEND Local Offer

This flowchart will help you understand the moving towards adulthood pathway.

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Preparing for post 16 transport SEND Local Offer

Children and young people with special educational needs may get help with transport to school or college. Once a young person reaches 16 they may be asked to pay towards some of the cost of the transport. For further information please contact the Transport Team on 01803 207688 or email cstransport@torbay.gov.uk. Independent Travel training may be available from some colleges and 6th Forms.

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Considering implications of the Mental Capacity Act SEND Local Offer

The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a legal framework for acting and making decisions on behalf of individuals who lack the mental capacity to make particular decisions for themselves. Everyone caring for, or working with, an adult who may lack capacity to make specific decisions must comply with the Act when making decisions or acting for that person, when the person lacks the capacity to make a particular decision for themselves. The same rules apply whether the decisions are life changing or everyday matters.

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CSW Group - Careers Advice SEND Local Offer

CSW Group provides free information, advice, guidance and support to people of all ages to help them to enter work and learning.

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Family Finance & Benefits SEND Local Offer

As young people with special educational needs and/or a disability turn 16, 17, 18 or 19, they become entitled to benefits and support in their own right. What they are entitled to may or may not depend on whether they are still in education, are job seeking or claiming benefits.

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Exploring Post 16 Educational Options SEND Local Offer

Please see Post 16 Educational Opportunities which is a related topic on Moving towards Adulthood and can also be found at Post 16 Educational Opportunities.

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What is a phase transfer (video for Children & Young People)

This video has been created by local Children and Young People.

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Post 16 Educational Opportunities


Education from 16 to 18 SEND Local Offer

Since September 2015 all young people must participate in some form of education or training until they are 18. However, unlike the requirement to attend school up to the age of 16, it is the young person’s responsibility to arrange this and not the Local Authorities duty.

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What are Study programmes? SEND Local Offer

Study programmes are further education courses that can help you gain the skills you need to go on in to further education, get a job or become more independent.

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What are course levels and qualifications? SEND Local Offer

There are lots of courses of different levels available.  The aim of every course, no matter what level, should be about making progress in developing new skills. Every course is designed to help you get a qualification or reach an outcome at the end of it.  There is a starting point for everyone. At the start of any course you should be aware of what the qualification or outcomes you hope to achieve by the end of the course.  Achieving your qualification may be a combination of coursework, module assessment or end of year exam. Your tutor will be able to guide you through this process.

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What support might I be able to get on a further education course? SEND Local Offer

Young people aged 16-19 may be able to claim money (a bursary) for you or your college/training provider to use to meet the cost of clothing, equipment or lunch on study days.

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Work-based learning SEND Local Offer

There are several different types of work-based learning that give you the opportunity to train and get qualifications while working.  For some young people going into a work environment suits them better than staying just in the classroom.

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Other important things to know SEND Local Offer

It is possible for parents/carers to claim child benefit for a young person after their 16th birthday if they continue in full-time approved education or training. This includes traineeships but not apprenticeships. The Child Benefit Office must be informed otherwise payments will stop on 31st August. For full details go to Claim Child Benefit - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

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Torbay Young Peoples views about Supported Internships SEND Local Offer

Local Supported Internships for young people aged between 17 and 20 have taken place in various employment settings and in various job roles - these have included working as a Cleaner, Sales Assistant, Hospital Porter, Ward Clerk, Ward Buddy, Tyre Mechanic, Waiter, Chef.

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Age 16 - 18

Age 16-18 SEND Support and Provision Toolkit  SEND Local Offer

This toolkit has been developed to acknowledge that at Post 16 education some tools are applied differently and the setting in which young people learn is also different.

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Parents and child conversation

Torbay Young Carers Service SEND Local Offer

Torbay Young Carers Service are a friendly team based within Torbay Council’s Children’s Services. We provide a range of support and opportunities to young people who are in, or likely to take on a caring role.

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Transition from Children’s to Adult Services SEND Local Offer

A referral can be made to the appropriate health and social care team for all young people moving into Adult Services. Staff from Children’s and Adult Services will work together, sharing information about young people aged between 14 and 18 who are supported by Children’s Services.

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CSW Group - Careers Advice SEND Local Offer

CSW Group provides free information, advice, guidance and support to people of all ages to help them to enter work and learning.

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Age 19 - 25

Exam preparation

Adults speech and language therapy service SEND Local Offer

The service is provided to adults who suffer from a wide range of communication disorders, as follows:

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Age 19 - 25 SEND Local Offer

Please see our dedicated page relating to young adults aged 19 – 25.

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Independent Living Skills - online course SEND Local Offer

The course covers the following nine topics to help you with independent living:

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What is Makaton? SEND Local Offer

Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression. Find out more about Makaton here.

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Torbay Young Peoples views about Supported Internships SEND Local Offer

Local Supported Internships for young people aged between 17 and 20 have taken place in various employment settings and in various job roles - these have included working as a Cleaner, Sales Assistant, Hospital Porter, Ward Clerk, Ward Buddy, Tyre Mechanic, Waiter, Chef.

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Local Services for children & young people with SEND (Moving towards Adulthood)

Exam preparation

Adults speech and language therapy service SEND Local Offer

The service is provided to adults who suffer from a wide range of communication disorders, as follows:

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Children with Disability (CWD) Team SEND Local Offer

Torbay Children's Services have a specialist team comprising social workers and community care workers, to support children with disabilities up to the age of eighteen and their families across a range of thresholds, including Targeted Help, Child in Need and Child Protection planning and Cared For planning. They work in close connection with the Placements, Day Care Services and Short Break team, who oversee the management and support of holiday play schemes, Saturday clubs and enabling services as well as Direct Payments.

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Dimensions for Autism (DFA) SEND Local Offer

DFA provides support to adults on the autism spectrum who do not have a learning disability in Devon.

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Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) Service (Devon and Torbay) SEND Local Offer

An IMCA is an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate appointed by the local authority and/or NHS body to protect other people’s interests when they lack the capacity to make certain important decisions and, at the time such decisions need to be made, have no one else (other than paid staff) to support them or be consulted.

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SEND Family Voice Torbay (SFVT) - Parent Carer Forum SEND Local Offer

SEND Family Voice Torbay is an independent Parent Carer Forum recognised by the Department of Education. 

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Together for Devon logo

Social Care needs assessments for Adults SEND Local Offer

In Torbay, Social Care Support for adults is provided by Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust. 

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Torbay Young Adult Carers (TYAC) SEND Local Offer

TYAC provides a range of support for Young Adults aged 16 – 25 years old who are caring for, or helping to care for someone who has a long term illness, disability, frailty, mental ill-health, and drug or alcohol problem.

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Turning Heads SEND Local Offer

Turning Heads is a community interest company that is helping to build a community that values and empowers togetherness.

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Youth Justice Service (YJS) SEND Local Offer

Torbay Youth Justice Service (previously known as a YOT or a youth offending team) works with children aged 10 – 17 years old who have been arrested, charged or sentenced for offences or who are at risk committing crime.

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Independent Travel Training SEND Local Offer

Independent Travel Training is a free scheme which has been set up by Children’s Services at Torbay Council. Our Independent Travel Training programme provides targeted support for Children and Young People with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our Trainer works with students from mainstream and special schools, education other than at school, and colleges of further education.

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SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) SEND Local Offer

We provide impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers & children/young people in relation to special educational needs and/or disability issues for children/young people aged 0-25. 

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Support for children, young people and adults, with Autism and/or Learning Disabilities who are in hospital or at risk of admission

What is the Learning Disability and Autism Programme (LDAP)? SEND Local Offer

LDAP started as part of a nationwide pilot as recommended in the NHS Plan. The remit is to support young people with a diagnosed Learning Disability or Autism who are at risk of Tier 4 mental health admission or placement breakdown.

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What is the Dynamic Support Register (DSR)? SEND Local Offer

The DSR is a list of children, young people and adults who have Autism and/or a Learning Disability, they may have behaviours that challenge or may be a risk to themselves and require immediate care.

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What is a Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR)? SEND Local Offer

CETRs are arranged for children and young people with a Learning Disability and/or Autism who are either already in a specialist mental health or learning disability hospital or are at imminent risk of admission.

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