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Parents and child conversation

Last Updated - October 11, 2023

Torbay Young Carers Service

Torbay Young Carers Service are a friendly team based within Torbay Council’s Children’s Services. We provide a range of support and opportunities to young people who are in, or likely to take on a caring role.

What do we mean by Young Carer?

Torbay Young Carers Service works with young people aged up to 18, whose lives are affected by caring.  The person being cared for may have a disability, a serious or long-term illness, mental ill-health or be affected by addiction issues.

The person being cared for is usually a parent, sibling or other family member.

The care tasks young carers may be involved in include:

  • Practical care – Cooking, Cleaning, Shopping.
  • Personal care – Washing, dressing or toileting.
  • Family responsibilities – Managing money and household budgets, Completing forms and/or household responsibilities.
  • Medical care – Reminding the cared for to take medication, administering medication, giving injections etc.
  • Emotional care – Listening and/or talking to the cared for person about their feelings, concerns and difficulties.
  • Care of younger siblings – Helping to look after a sibling because their parent/s are unable to, or need assistance at times.

Young carers may be the sole carer, or they may be supporting another family member in care tasks

What support do we Provide?

The support plan will vary depending on the individual needs of the young carer or their family, but examples include:

  • Information and advice
  • Young Carers Groups
  • In-school support
  • Activities and outings
  • Individual support
  • Family events
  • Advice on making services accessible to young carers
  • Training and awareness events around young carers

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