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Our vision for SEND in the local area

Our vision for SEND in the local area SEND Local Offer

Torbay has co-produced a vision for SEND within the local area:

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Restorative practice SEND Local Offer

The Torbay local area is working to adopt Restorative Practice, a strength-based approach that recognises that building a positive relationship with children, young people and families who need support is important.

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Developing our pledge SEND Local Offer

We asked children, young people, families and carers to provide feedback on how our current systems and responses make you feel. We heard that how we communicate and conduct our business impacts children, young people and families in the following ways:

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Torbay SEND Strategy - 2023 SEND Local Offer

Torbay’s Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out a vision ‘to create a healthy, happy Torbaywhere individuals and communities can thrive’.

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Sign up to receive Torbay SEND Newsletters SEND Local Offer

Want to keep up to date with the latest news and events for SEND families as well as find out how we’re progressing with planned improvements.

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Our Pledge

Our Pledge to our children and young people SEND Local Offer

We will tell you the truth, we will listen and work with you to plan and explain what is possible and why things may need to change or happen.

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Pledge 1 – Be honest SEND Local Offer

You said:

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Pledge 2 – Show you we care SEND Local Offer

You said:

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Pledge 3 - Be thoughtful SEND Local Offer

You said:

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Pledge 4 - Be fair SEND Local Offer

You said:

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Pledge 5 - Be kind SEND Local Offer

You said:

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Pledge 6 - Be friendly SEND Local Offer

You said:

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Co-production charter

Charter for Co-production SEND Local Offer

Partners will:

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SEND Annual Survey

SEND 2023 Participation Survey - Overview "You said, We did" SEND Local Offer

We produced two surveys in 2023 to ask people what they thought of Torbay’s SEND services.

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SEND 2023 Participation Survey - full report SEND Local Offer

We produced two surveys in 2023 to ask people what they thought of Torbay’s SEND services.

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SEND 2023 Participation Survey - Easy read SEND Local Offer

We produced two surveys in 2023 to ask people what they thought of Torbay’s SEND services.

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Improving SEND Services

Improving SEND Services SEND Local Offer

We are working in partnership with NHS Devon and SEND Family Voice Torbay to improve services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and their families.

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Our statement of commitment SEND Local Offer

We commit to working together, in partnership with you, to improve the support you receive. We want you to have the very best opportunities now and in the future.

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Joint area SEND inspection report SEND Local Offer

In November 2021, a team of inspectors from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) spent five days in Torbay. They talked to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They also talked to their parents and carers and education, social care and health partners.

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Written Statement of Action (WSoA) SEND Local Offer

As a result of the Joint area SEND inspection report Torbay Council and NHS Devon had to produce a plan explaining how we will improve services. It is called a ‘Written Statement of Action’.

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Written Statement of Action - Easy Read SEND Local Offer

Read or download Written Statement of Action - Easy Read

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Improvement pillars SEND Local Offer

Our improvement work was originally built on following four ‘pillars’, taken together to address the eight areas for improvement specified in the Joint area SEND inspection report.

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Progress Towards Our Written Statement of Action SEND Local Offer

The Torbay Written Statement of Action (WSoA) was created in 2022 following our 2021 Ofsted and CQC Inspection in 2021 and Joint area SEND inspection report (Nov 2021).

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Support for children, young people and adults, with Autism and/or Learning Disabilities who are in hospital or at risk of admission

What is the Learning Disability and Autism Programme (LDAP)? SEND Local Offer

LDAP started as part of a nationwide pilot as recommended in the NHS Plan. The remit is to support young people with a diagnosed Learning Disability or Autism who are at risk of Tier 4 mental health admission or placement breakdown.

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What is the Dynamic Support Register (DSR)? SEND Local Offer

The DSR is a list of children, young people and adults who have Autism and/or a Learning Disability, they may have behaviours that challenge or may be a risk to themselves and require immediate care.

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What is a Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR)? SEND Local Offer

CETRs are arranged for children and young people with a Learning Disability and/or Autism who are either already in a specialist mental health or learning disability hospital or are at imminent risk of admission.

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SEND Capital Funding

SEND Capital Funding SEND Local Offer

Local authorities must ensure there are sufficient good school places for all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities.

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SEND Provision and Accessibility SEND Local Offer

Children and young people in Torbay may attend mainstream early years settings, schools or colleges or specialist provision such as mainstream schools with enhanced resource provision or special schools. In a diverse provider landscape the local area must exercise a range of roles and remain committed to the inclusion of children and young people.

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Torbay's Special Provision Plan (2018-2021) SEND Local Offer

The conditions and timeline of this funding were:

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SEND Accessibility Fund processes for 2022 & 2023 SEND Local Offer

Expressions of interest were sought from schools prior to allocations being awarded for these accessibility funds.

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Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2018-19 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful in improving inclusion within mainstream via the Accessibility Funding in 2018-19. Where supplied by schools, there are also comments from the successful schools with images of the work completed.

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Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2019-20 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful in improving inclusion within mainstream via the Accessibility Funding in 2019-20.

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Successful applicants for Accessibility Funding to improve inclusion in Mainstream Schools 2020-21 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful in improving inclusion within mainstream via the Accessibility Funding in 2020-21.

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Successful High Needs Provision Capital projects 2022 SEND Local Offer

Below are summary details of the projects that were successful.  Where supplied by schools, there are also comments from the successful schools with images of the work completed.

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SEND Newsletters

Sign up to receive Torbay SEND Newsletters SEND Local Offer

Want to keep up to date with the latest news and events for SEND families as well as find out how we’re progressing with planned improvements.

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