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Local information & advice services for parents/carers of children and young people with SEND

NHS Perinatal and Infant Mental Health

 Support for unpaid Carers at your GP surgery (Carer Support Worker) SEND Local Offer

The information below provides more information about what Carers Support Workers do and the contact list for Carers Support Workers and other support for Carers in Torbay.

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Bay Benefits SEND Local Offer

Bay Benefits is a sevice offered by Carers Aid Torbay to unpaid carers and their families. Their entitlements advisor will work through the benefits process with unpaid carers.

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Carers Aid Torbay SEND Local Offer

Carers Aid Torbay will support any unpaid Carer in Torbay. We offer them advice, help, information, practical and emotional support to alleviate some of the stress created by the responsibilities of caring.

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Devon in Sight SEND Local Offer

Devon in Sight offers a range of holistic services for anyone affected by sight loss across Devon. We can provide support to people who are blind or partially sighted, their families, friends and carers.

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Dimensions for Autism (DFA) SEND Local Offer

DFA provides support to adults on the autism spectrum who do not have a learning disability in Devon.

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Early Help SEND Local Offer

Our Early Help Service is available to children and their families and is made up of two types of services that combine in different ways to form Torbay’s Early Help offer.

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Happy family of 4 people

Family Intervention Team (FIT) for Early Help SEND Local Offer

The Family Intervention Team offer focused family support to families with complex needs through targeted support. We work flexibly and creatively with parents and their children in their homes and in groups, to increase the skills, confidence and abilities of all family members to live their daily lives in a positive and safe way.   Key areas of work:

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Healthwatch Torbay SEND Local Offer

Healthwatch Torbay is the independent consumer champion for people using local health and social care services in Torbay, South Devon.

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Mayfield Hub Club SEND Local Offer

Weekly, Thursday evening, term-time club for young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions opperated by Play Torbay.

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Online tools and resources from Children and Family Health Devon SEND Local Offer

Using this directory of online tools and resources you can filter information by type of audience and by topic.

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SEND Family Voice Torbay (SFVT) - Parent Carer Forum SEND Local Offer

SEND Family Voice Torbay is an independent Parent Carer Forum recognised by the Department of Education. 

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Supporting families SEND Local Offer

The Supporting Families Programme is a Government funded initiative that has been running since 2015.

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Torbay Community Helpline SEND Local Offer

The Torbay Comunity Helpline is open to the people of Torbay to request help, volunteer their assistance or refer anyone they believe/know needs help.

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Torbay Mencap SEND Local Offer

Activities and support for individuals with learning disabilities and their families.

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Turn2us - Tackling Financial Insecurity Together SEND Local Offer

Explore what financial support you can get through welfare benefits and grants based on your circumstances.

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NHS Perinatal and Infant Mental Health

Torbay Carers Service SEND Local Offer

Lots of people care or support their relatives or friends. They may help with shopping or meals, attending appointments with them, or just making sure that they are alright. They may not see themselves as a carer or know about the support available to them.

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Tissues and Issues SEND Local Offer

Provides social support and access to information and guidance for parents and carers of young people who have a recognised disability, additional need or are awaiting diagnosis.

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SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) SEND Local Offer

We provide impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers & children/young people in relation to special educational needs and/or disability issues for children/young people aged 0-25. 

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Local Services for children & young people with SEND (Education)


Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT) for Inclusion SEND Local Offer

The EYAT for Inclusion supports all Early Years practitioners and setting Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) working with children with special educational needs and/or disabilities in private, voluntary and independent Early Years settings in Torbay.   

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Educational Psychology & Specialist Teaching Service (TEPATS) SEND Local Offer

We are a specialist service that supports both the Local Authority (LA) and schools to understand and increase the educational achievement of all children and young people within Torbay.

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Habilitation Assessment and Support for Visually Impaired Children & Young People SEND Local Offer

Qualified Habilitation Specialist who works with children and young people (0-18 years) with a visual impairment. They can help your child develop a broad range of skills, including early years development, independent life skills and moving around (orientation & mobility). They assess all of your child's needs and deliver a holistic program to cater to them. They will often work closely with other professionals, as well as you as the parents, to ensure your child receives the right support across the board. They offer support in the home, nursery, school, college and in the local community and they will often work closely with your child's QTVI to support their key transitions into and through education.

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Home Learning Environment and Early Years Service - Early Years Inclusion SEND Local Offer

We support all practitioners and Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinators (SENDCOS) supporting young children with SEND living in Torbay, in early years settings.

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Outreach Services SEND Local Offer

Outreach services have been developed to support the inclusion of pupils with a range of needs in all Torbay schools, including special schools and provisions.

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SEND Family Voice Torbay (SFVT) - Parent Carer Forum SEND Local Offer

SEND Family Voice Torbay is an independent Parent Carer Forum recognised by the Department of Education. 

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Torbay Hearing Support Service SEND Local Offer

The Hearing Support Service provides specialist support and advice to families, schools and settings to meet the needs of children and young people with hearing impairment.

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torbay portage service.

Torbay Portage Service SEND Local Offer

Portage is a home teaching service for families with pre-school children who have Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The success and popularity of Portage is based on the premise that it promotes parents/carers as the key figures in the development of their child.

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Torbay SEND team SEND Local Offer

The Torbay SEND team are responsible for:

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Torbay VI (Visual Impairment) Service SEND Local Offer

Torbay Visual Impairment (VI) Service has been developed to provide specialist support and advice to all Torbay’s Local Authority early years settings and schools, including special schools and provisions. The service supports the inclusion of pupils with visual impairments in all these settings.

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CSW Group - Careers Advice SEND Local Offer

CSW Group provides free information, advice, guidance and support to people of all ages to help them to enter work and learning.

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Independent Travel Training SEND Local Offer

Independent Travel Training is a free scheme which has been set up by Children’s Services at Torbay Council. Our Independent Travel Training programme provides targeted support for Children and Young People with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our Trainer works with students from mainstream and special schools, education other than at school, and colleges of further education.

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SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) SEND Local Offer

We provide impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers & children/young people in relation to special educational needs and/or disability issues for children/young people aged 0-25. 

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Local Services for children & young people with SEND (Health)

Exam preparation

Adults speech and language therapy service SEND Local Offer

The service is provided to adults who suffer from a wide range of communication disorders, as follows:

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Bowel and Bladder service - children SEND Local Offer

We are a team of specialist children’s nurses and specialist nursery nurses who provide assessment, treatment, support and advice for children and young people with bladder and/or bowel difficulties.

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cfhd- children and family health devon

Children & Family Health Devon SEND Local Offer

Children & Family Health Devon provide health services for children, young people and families across Devon. Our hope is that our services help children and young people to feel healthy, happy and safe.

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Balance SEND Local Offer

Exercises to help improve your balance

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Ball exercises SEND Local Offer

Using the exercise ball to improve your core stability

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome SEND Local Offer

Managing activity levels in chronic fatigue syndrome

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Core stability exercises SEND Local Offer

4 - point kneel exercises to improve your core stability

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Postural management SEND Local Offer

What is postural management and why is it important?

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Simple leg stretches SEND Local Offer

Simple stretches for your child's legs

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Splints and footwear SEND Local Offer

Splints and footwear for children

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Children's Physiotherapy Support Videos - Walking variants SEND Local Offer

Normal variations in children's walking (Flat feet)

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Occupational Therapy Service SEND Local Offer

Occupational Therapists work with children and young people, parents/carer(s) and teachers to find solutions to minimise the difficulties they face and help them to get the most from life.  We support children and young people with physical, sensory, developmental, cognitive and social needs that affect their functional abilities and have an impact on their daily life. When a child or young person is referred to us we work in partnership with parents and with other healthcare and education professionals with whom the child or young person has a relationship, because we recognise that parents and carers know their child or young person best.

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One Devon - Integrated Care SEND Local Offer

Learn how the NHS and CARE working with communities and local organisations will improve people’s lives through Integrated Care Boards and Integrated Care Partnerships.

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SEND Family Voice Torbay (SFVT) - Parent Carer Forum SEND Local Offer

SEND Family Voice Torbay is an independent Parent Carer Forum recognised by the Department of Education. 

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The Mental Health Support Team in Schools (MHST) SEND Local Offer

The Mental Health Support Team in Schools (MHST) is a new NHS service commissioned to work with a number of schools across Devon and Torbay and in the community . We offer early intervention to help children and young people with their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

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Your 0 to 19 Torbay School Nurse Team SEND Local Offer

School nurses are the key people linking education and health and take over from the health visitor when children start school, and are there to support them until they leave school at 19.

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cfhd- children and family health devon

Children & Family Health Devon – Children’s Learning Disability SEND Local Offer

The service we offer includes behavioural, sleep and assessments to support continence and skills for independence with children and young people who have profound and severe levels of learning disability; working with children who have profound and severe levels of learning disability (including children with additional diagnosis such as Autism, Down’s Syndrome etc.) and supporting the development of community and school-based programmes of support. As such, we offer support both directly to children and young people with learning disabilities and indirectly in order to facilitate access to mainstream services.

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SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) SEND Local Offer

We provide impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers & children/young people in relation to special educational needs and/or disability issues for children/young people aged 0-25. 

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cfhd- children and family health devon

Torbay MERs previously known as CAMHS SEND Local Offer

The Torbay Mood, Emotions and Relationships Service, previously known as CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), provides emotional and mental health assessment and treatment to children, young people, aged 0-18 years, and their families/carers within Torbay.

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Support for children, young people and adults, with Autism and/or Learning Disabilities who are in hospital or at risk of admission

What is the Learning Disability and Autism Programme (LDAP)? SEND Local Offer

LDAP started as part of a nationwide pilot as recommended in the NHS Plan. The remit is to support young people with a diagnosed Learning Disability or Autism who are at risk of Tier 4 mental health admission or placement breakdown.

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What is the Dynamic Support Register (DSR)? SEND Local Offer

The DSR is a list of children, young people and adults who have Autism and/or a Learning Disability, they may have behaviours that challenge or may be a risk to themselves and require immediate care.

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What is a Care, Education and Treatment Review (CETR)? SEND Local Offer

CETRs are arranged for children and young people with a Learning Disability and/or Autism who are either already in a specialist mental health or learning disability hospital or are at imminent risk of admission.

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Local Services for children & young people with SEND (Social Care)


Children with Disability (CWD) Team SEND Local Offer

Torbay Children's Services have a specialist team comprising social workers and community care workers, to support children with disabilities up to the age of eighteen and their families across a range of thresholds, including Targeted Help, Child in Need and Child Protection planning and Cared For planning. They work in close connection with the Placements, Day Care Services and Short Break team, who oversee the management and support of holiday play schemes, Saturday clubs and enabling services as well as Direct Payments.

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Early Help SEND Local Offer

Our Early Help Service is available to children and their families and is made up of two types of services that combine in different ways to form Torbay’s Early Help offer.

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Happy family of 4 people

Family Intervention Team (FIT) for Early Help SEND Local Offer

The Family Intervention Team offer focused family support to families with complex needs through targeted support. We work flexibly and creatively with parents and their children in their homes and in groups, to increase the skills, confidence and abilities of all family members to live their daily lives in a positive and safe way.   Key areas of work:

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SEND Family Voice Torbay (SFVT) - Parent Carer Forum SEND Local Offer

SEND Family Voice Torbay is an independent Parent Carer Forum recognised by the Department of Education. 

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Supporting families SEND Local Offer

The Supporting Families Programme is a Government funded initiative that has been running since 2015.

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Torbay Young Adult Carers (TYAC) SEND Local Offer

TYAC provides a range of support for Young Adults aged 16 – 25 years old who are caring for, or helping to care for someone who has a long term illness, disability, frailty, mental ill-health, and drug or alcohol problem.

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Youth Justice Service (YJS) SEND Local Offer

Torbay Youth Justice Service (previously known as a YOT or a youth offending team) works with children aged 10 – 17 years old who have been arrested, charged or sentenced for offences or who are at risk committing crime.

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SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) SEND Local Offer

We provide impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers & children/young people in relation to special educational needs and/or disability issues for children/young people aged 0-25. 

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Local Services for children & young people with SEND (Moving towards Adulthood)

Exam preparation

Adults speech and language therapy service SEND Local Offer

The service is provided to adults who suffer from a wide range of communication disorders, as follows:

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Children with Disability (CWD) Team SEND Local Offer

Torbay Children's Services have a specialist team comprising social workers and community care workers, to support children with disabilities up to the age of eighteen and their families across a range of thresholds, including Targeted Help, Child in Need and Child Protection planning and Cared For planning. They work in close connection with the Placements, Day Care Services and Short Break team, who oversee the management and support of holiday play schemes, Saturday clubs and enabling services as well as Direct Payments.

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Dimensions for Autism (DFA) SEND Local Offer

DFA provides support to adults on the autism spectrum who do not have a learning disability in Devon.

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Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA) Service (Devon and Torbay) SEND Local Offer

An IMCA is an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate appointed by the local authority and/or NHS body to protect other people’s interests when they lack the capacity to make certain important decisions and, at the time such decisions need to be made, have no one else (other than paid staff) to support them or be consulted.

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SEND Family Voice Torbay (SFVT) - Parent Carer Forum SEND Local Offer

SEND Family Voice Torbay is an independent Parent Carer Forum recognised by the Department of Education. 

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Social Care needs assessments for Adults SEND Local Offer

In Torbay, Social Care Support for adults is provided by Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust. 

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Torbay Young Adult Carers (TYAC) SEND Local Offer

TYAC provides a range of support for Young Adults aged 16 – 25 years old who are caring for, or helping to care for someone who has a long term illness, disability, frailty, mental ill-health, and drug or alcohol problem.

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Turning Heads SEND Local Offer

Turning Heads is a community interest company that is helping to build a community that values and empowers togetherness.

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Youth Justice Service (YJS) SEND Local Offer

Torbay Youth Justice Service (previously known as a YOT or a youth offending team) works with children aged 10 – 17 years old who have been arrested, charged or sentenced for offences or who are at risk committing crime.

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Independent Travel Training SEND Local Offer

Independent Travel Training is a free scheme which has been set up by Children’s Services at Torbay Council. Our Independent Travel Training programme provides targeted support for Children and Young People with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Our Trainer works with students from mainstream and special schools, education other than at school, and colleges of further education.

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SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) SEND Local Offer

We provide impartial information, advice and support to parents/carers & children/young people in relation to special educational needs and/or disability issues for children/young people aged 0-25. 

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