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Point of You, feedback service

Point of You, feedback service for children and young people

Tell us how we did.

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Point of You, feedback service for children and young people - Special Educational Needs & Disability Version SEND Local Offer

Tell us how we did.

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Emotional Wellbeing

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If you’re being bullied, whether it’s online or at school, university or work, it can be really difficult and leave you feeling hurt – but you are not alone. Advice on how you can tell someone and get help.

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Teenage Brain

Adolescence refers to the period of physical and psychological development between childhood and adulthood. The beginning of adolescence is around the onset of puberty, which brings dramatic alterations in hormone levels and consequent physical changes.

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Parents and child conversation

Torbay Young Carers Service

Torbay Young Carers Service are a friendly team based within Torbay Council’s Children’s Services. We provide a range of support and opportunities to young people who are in, or likely to take on a caring role.

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Friends & Relationships

Relationships can make you feel amazing. But they can also leave you feeling stressed out and upset. Get advice if you’re having problems with relationships. 

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Qwell logo


Free digital mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK

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Young Devon Logo

Young Devon

We give straightforward support for problems that young people might be facing.

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How to deal with exam stress

Pressure to do well in exams can be overwhelming and affect your mental health. Here’s some advice if it’s all getting a bit too much. How to beat it Talk Having someone to talk to about your work can help. Support from a parent, tutor or other adult can help you talk about your worries and keep things in perspective.

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kooth logo

Kooth mental health support

Your online mental wellbeing community, free, safe and anonymous support

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the children's society

Checkpoint, Torbay

We provide help to young people aged 8–18 across Torquay, Paignton and Brixham. We can speak to you on the phone, online or face to face. We can help you overcome the challenges that hold you back. Achieve the things that matter to you. Give you skills and strategies to help you move forward.

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Childline – CalmZone

There are lots of way to feel calmer. It’s about finding what works for you. Try some of CalmZones breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help let go of stress.

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the children's society

Abusive relationships

Abuse in teenage relationships is when you begin to feel scared or controlled by the person you’re with. You may be confused because it feels like a loving relationship but often only when you behave in a certain way. This can happen at any age, regardless of gender.

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Mind logo

Mind, the mental health charity

When you’re living with a mental health problem, or supporting someone who is, having access to the right information – about a condition, treatment options, or practical issues – is vital. Mind can help.

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Devon sexual health logo

Sexual wellbeing and relationships

Having an active sex life can lead to health benefits such as improving the condition of your heart, reducing stress and improving mental health. Being part of a happy, healthy relationship can also reduce depression and anxiety. Even just having a hug can reduce your blood pressure and improve your sense of well-being.

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cfhd- children and family health devon

Lumi Nova

A therapeutic mobile game to help 7-12 year olds learn to self-manage their fears and worries.

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nshn logo

Self harm

Self-harm is when people hurt themselves or damage their health on purpose. Sometimes people do this in secret. There are lots of different reasons why someone might self-harm, but there are also different ways to cope and get help.

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Youngminds logo

Young Minds, mental health support

Making sure all young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s challenges.

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Samaritans logo

Samaritans, support with self-harm

If you or someone you know self-harms there is always a listening ear available from the Samaritans.

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Hub of Hope, support for mental health concerns

The Hub of Hope is a first of its kind, national mental health database which brings together organisations and charities, large and small, from across the country who offer mental health advice and support, together in one place.

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pete's dragrons logo

Suicide support

Pete’s Dragons offer support and comfort after suicide loss.

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Anaphylaxis UK

Anaphylaxis Campaign – Information for parents with a risk of severe allergy and and practitioners.

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Find out about the different types of eczema, treatments and triggers, and download our booklets and factsheets. https://eczema.org/information-and-advice/

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Getting my eyes checked (reasy read) SEND Local Offer

Also see Eye care | SeeAbility

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My health Devon asthma resources

Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition in children in the UK, with around 1 in 11 children and young people living with asthma. The UK has some of the highest prevalence, emergency admissions and death rates for childhood asthma in Europe. Outcomes are worse for children and young people living in the most deprived areas.

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Epipen logo

Practitioner only

There are a range of excellent resources that you can access – but please be aware that these resources require a level of training and are not appropriate for sharing with families. The resources below can be scrolled through, previewed, and downloaded, and the latest versions will be controlled and provided here. Some of these resources may also be available as printed resources.

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Top tips for looking after your eyes (easy read) SEND Local Offer

Your 0 to 19 Torbay School Nurse Team SEND Local Offer

School nurses are the key people linking education and health and take over from the health visitor when children start school, and are there to support them until they leave school at 19.

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General information about allergies, including helpful resources to support families getting advice. There are many kinds of allergies, from food, which is probably the most widely recognised, to skin, respiratory, eyes, drugs and venom and allergy. While in most people, allergy reactions will be mild to moderate they can be fatal in a condition called anaphylaxis, the most severe allergic reaction which requires an immediate emergency response.It has been collated in this area to help you support families with helpful information about common allergies and anaphylaxis and to facilitate early conversations.Information and awareness training from 0 to 19 Torbay’ anaphylaxis leadIntrOducing 0 to 19 Torbay’s anaphylaxis lead video on 0to19 siteEpipen Anaphylaxis https://youtu.be/PBfaejstk14Jext Anaphylaxis https://youtu.be/DASYq86TlfUEmerade Anaphylaxis https://youtu.be/v_85kWCZCcM

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Oral Health Foundation Logo

Oral health

An attractive and healthy smile is important when meeting people and making friends. And it can boost your confidence and help you feel good about yourself.

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Allergies and eczema, helpful websites

Allergy UK – Support for people living and working with people with serve allergies

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What does puberty mean?Puberty is when a child begins to grow and develop into an adult.

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personal hygiene

Personal hygiene

Alongside daily hygiene habits such as washing your hands, brushing your teeth and generally keeping clean to reduce spreading germs and infection, there is also a social aspect to personal hygiene. This is around body odour and dental hygiene.As a young person, your body might already be going through a number of changes, or it soon will, so maintaining good personal hygiene and establishing daily routines are important, especially as some of these changes can be a source of anxiety for some people.Here are some hygiene basics to help you stay healthy and clean, so that you don’t have to worry about smelly underarms or feet.

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teen sleep hub logo

Teen sleep hub

The one stop shop for all you need to know about sleep. Great resources and videos to share.

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Information and support with understanding vaccinations

Childhood vaccinations – or jabs have been around for over 200 years starting with the first smallpox vaccine.  Different vaccinations are given out at different times across childhood.  But don’t worry if you or your child has missed out you can catch-up.  Vaccines work by teaching your immune system how to create antibodies that protect you from diseases.  Think of antibodies as your body’s defence system.  It’s much safer for your immune system to learn this through vaccination than by catching the diseases and treating them.  Once your immune system knows how to fight a disease, it can often protect you for many years.

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Nutrition and diet

British nutrition foundation logo

Top healthy eating tips for you

As your teenage years are such an important time for growth and development, a healthy, varied diet is essential to ensure that you receive all the energy and nutrients you need to concentrate well at school and take part in sports and activities. Top tips from the British Nutrition Foundation

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NHS.uk logo

How many calories you need?

Advice and guidance from the NHS

NHS.uk logo

Concerned about your eating?

Find out more about common eating disorders from the NHS

British nutrition foundation logo

Eating on a budget

Tips to save money on food


Beat eating disorders

Information and advice if you or someone you know things they might have an eating disorder.

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NHS.uk logo

Physical activity for you

How much physical activity should children and young people aged 5 to 18 do to keep healthy? Advice and guidance from the NHS

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Sexual health


Are you ready for sex?

The only person who can say if you’re ready for sex is you. If you are thinking about having sex for the first time there are some things that you might want to think about first.

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Helpful websites

There are a range of helpful websites that you can access online. If you discover additional resources that may be useful, please advise the Knowledge Lead for this topic.

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Devon sexual health logo

Consent and the law

What do you expect of your girlfriend/boyfriend? When’s the right time to take things to the next level, and how do you know?

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All about condoms, what are they and how do they work?

Condoms, what are they and what do they do?

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Devon sexual health logo

Sexual health

Taking care of your own sexual health is important. Find out more about –safer sex, pregnancy, Thrush, bacterial vaginosis, general hygiene and more

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Smoking, vaping, drugs & alcohol

Checkpoint Young Peoples Drug and Alcohol Service for Under 18’s

Please download our leaflet for more information

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health for teens logo


Vaping for e-cigarette: Just the facts

Frank logo

Drugs & substance misuse

Flying the nest – how to stay safe if you’re Leaving home for the first time, worried about spiking, festivals or cannabis edibles? Get advice from FRANK

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Learning and development (Young)

Teenage brain development - YouTube

Check out YouTube for videos around teenage brain development.

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in our place logo

Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)

Find out what’s happening in your brain!

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Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)

Feeling overwhelmed? Confused? Want to know more about your feelings? Your thoughts?

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