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Last Updated - January 23, 2025

What is SEND Support?

SEND Support is the term used for extra and different support to meet the needs of children and young people with identified Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND).

All educational setting (Nurseries, Schools and Colleges) have a legal responsibility to:

  • identify if a child or young person has SEND
  • inform parents and/or carers if they have identified a child or young person has SEND
  • make sure children and young people with SEND get the right support as early as possible
  • support children and young people who have SEND through a graduated response of SEND Support

This is described in detail within the SEND Code of Practice.

The purpose of SEND support is to help children and young people meet their learning objectives so that they can achieve their desired outcomes.

SEND support is tailored to each child or young person’s individual needs and can include:

  • a special learning programme for your child or young person
  • extra help from a teacher or a learning support assistant
  • making or changing materials and equipment
  • working with your child or young person in a small group
  • observing your child or young person in class or at break and keeping records
  • helping your child  or young person to take part in the class activities
  • making sure your child or young person has understood things by encouraging them to ask questions and to try something they find difficult
  • helping other children or young people work with your child or young person, or play with them or socialise with them at break time
  • supporting your child or young person with physical or personal care, such as eating, getting around school safely, toileting or dressing.

Most children and young people with SEND have their needs met in mainstream education (Nurseries, Schools and Colleges). This works through high-quality teaching differentiated for individual pupils or under SEND Support.

The SEND Code of Practice says:

All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they: achieve their best become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training

(SEND Code of Practice section 6.1)

If your child is receiving SEND Support you should be informed and involved.

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