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Last Updated - March 27, 2024

Supporting families

The Supporting Families Programme is a Government funded initiative that has been running since 2015.

When families experience a lot of challenges all at once these can be the most difficult times for them. The Supporting Families programme is aimed at working with families at these times by providing targeted interventions for families with complex problems. These problems might include the following:-

  • Unemployment and financial instability,
  • Poor school attendance,
  • Mental and physical health problems,
  • Involvement in crime and antisocial behaviour,
  • Domestic abuse and poor family relationships,
  • Children who are at risk of abuse and exploitation,
  • Substance misuse and insecure housing.

The four key principles of Supporting Families is helping you at the earliest possible time you experience a problem, working with your whole family, working with other agencies in partnership who can provide different types of support to you, and ensuring we make a real difference to you and your children.

The Supporting Families programme in Torbay is delivered via the Early Help Partnership. For more information click on the link, speak to a Family Hub worker or contact us by clicking here.

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