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Last Updated - December 14, 2024

ILDPs (Individual Learning Development Plans)

Individual Learning and Development Plans (ILDPs) aim to identify small step targets to support children’s learning and development. They identify how children learn and what support is needed that is additional or different to the typical provision. Having Individual Learning Development Plans are crucial to evidencing the Graduated Approach cycle of support (SEND Code of Practice 2015). It is anticipated that all children with SEND have ILDPs in place.

Purpose and Benefits of using ILDPs:

  • Designed to support children’s learning and development.
  • Provides a personalised approach, recognising that each child progresses at their own pace.
  • Help practitioners understand where a child is in their development and facilitate progress tracking.
  • Developed jointly with the child’s family to promote consistent support at both home and at the setting. 
  • Are useful in evidencing of how practitioners identify and plan for children’s next steps when Ofsed visits.

Individual Learning and Development Plan Reviews

Individual Learning and Development Plan Reviews should take place every 6-8 weeks. Meetings should always include the parents/carers. Other key professionals involved, which may include a Portage Home Visitors, Health Visitor or other identified key health practitioners, Social Care practitioners, who may be included from time to time. Other key professionals need notice of at least 2 weeks, in order to attend the meeting. The setting SENCO will need to set aside a private space for a meeting and invite the attendees. It is the responsibility of the setting SENCO to prepare the paperwork beforehand, write up the meeting and distribute it to the those that attended. The aim of the meeting is to work collaboratively through sharing updated information about the child both at home and at the setting and to plan future targets together. Individual Learning and Development Plan Reviews are crucial to evidencing the Graduated Approach cycle of support (SEND Code of Practice 2015).

ILDP templates

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