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Last Updated - August 23, 2024

Breastfeeding when you are out and about

Breastfeeding when you’re out and about can mean breastfeeding in front of a relative or friend in your own home, or in a public place, such as a café or shopping centre.

During your baby’s first few days, you may prefer to breastfeed only where you feel most comfortable. But, as you get more used to doing it, you’re likely to feel more confident about breastfeeding in front of other people when you’re out and about.

Most people support women breastfeeding while they are out and about. The more it’s done, the more normal it will become.

Here are some ideas to help you get started.

  • Know your rights. You should not ever be made to feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public. It is illegal for anyone to ask a breastfeeding woman to leave a public place, such as a cafe, shop or public transport.
  • Plan ahead. Before you go out, it can help to think about where you will feel comfortable breastfeeding when your baby gets hungry. Ask breastfeeding friends for recommendations.
  • A midwife, health visitor or peer supporters at a local breastfeeding drop-in will also know of good places in your area where you can feed your baby.
  • Clothes and bra. What you wear when you’re breastfeeding is a matter of personal taste and what you feel comfortable in. For example, some mums like to wear loose tops that can be lifted up.
  • Others, who prefer to keep their tummy covered, wear two stretchy tops, so that the top layer can be lifted up and the bottom layer can be pulled down. A soft, non-underwired bra can be easily pulled up or down when you want to feed your baby.
  • Baby slings, scarves and cloths. Some baby slings are designed so you can breastfeed while your baby is in the sling. Some mums feel more comfortable putting a scarf or muslin cloth over their chest while they’re breastfeeding.
  • Take someone with you. It can help to go with a friend who has an older baby and can take you to places that she already knows. You could go with someone else, such as your mum, partner, sister or friend, so that there’s always someone to talk to.
  • Avoid the loos. Do not feel that you should sit in a public toilet to breastfeed. You would not eat in there, so do not feel that your baby should be fed there. Breastfeeding in public – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Go to a local feeding group or baby group

Look at our ‘What’s On’ section to see what’s available in Torbay currently and click here to find out which businesses, community venues and early years settings are breastfeeding friendly.

If you’re planning on going back to work you can find some useful information on Start for Life and here Breastfeeding at study or work – Baby Friendly Initiative (unicef.org.uk).

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