Last Updated - January 13, 2025
Before arranging a meeting directly with the person or organisation it may be useful for you to make some notes about:
What went wrong?
You may have several issues. Try to list them separately. Write down details of any particular incidents.
How the problem has affected your child /young person:
Has there already been contact between you and the school, the local authority or health on this issue.
This might be:
If you’re worried about child’s additional support for learning in their early years setting, school or college, talk to your child’s teacher, Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) or the head teacher.
If you’re concerned about the help that your child has at school and you think the setting is doing all it can, you can ask us for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment.
You may also wish to contact SENDIASS Torbay for help at this stage. Supportive Parents are impartial professionals who can explain the processes and support you through it by: