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Activities and childcare available to all children and young people

Activities and childcare available to all children and young people SEND Local Offer

In Torbay we have some clubs which are aimed specifically for children and young people with SEND, whilst encouraging all activity and childcare providers to be inclusive and as accessible as possible. How inclusive a mainstream activity or club can be will depend on the complexity of your child or young persons' individual needs.

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children performing activities

HAF - Healthy Holiday, Food & Activities Programme SEND Local Offer

Free holiday provision available to children and young people aged 5 to 16 who are eligible for benefit related Free School Meals (FSM) or are Electively Home Educated (EHE).

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activities performing

Find before and after school holiday clubs SEND Local Offer

Childcare is available in Torbay through a variety of providers including childminders, pre-schools and out of school care such as breakfast clubs, afterschool clubs and holiday play schemes.

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SEND specific Activities

Dart Sailability SEND Local Offer

Dart Sailability is a charity that enables anybody with a physical or mental disability to enjoy sailing, boating and social activities on the beautiful River Dart. All ages are welcome. Run by volunteers (of which we never have enough), we take to the water as often as possible tides permitting, from spring to mid autumn. Some boats can accommodate wheelchairs and we have hoists to give easy access to the other boats. Our simple rule of thumb is "if you can sit you can sail"!

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Devon FA Disability Football SEND Local Offer

Devon FA Disability Football offers a range of football opportunities for disabled people in Devon, including the disability football league (Devon Ability Counts), wheelchair football, deaffriendly football clubs, Torbay and Plymouth mental health football tournaments and an Exeter Downs Syndrome football progamme.

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Disabled Sailing Association SEND Local Offer

The Disabled Sailing Association is a Torquay-based sailing charity, run for the disabled, by the disabled.

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Lifeworks Charity Ltd. - Saturday groups and holiday project SEND Local Offer


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Little Senses

Little Senses is a multi-sensory stay and play based support group for children aged 0-5 years with SEND.

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Mayfield Hub Club SEND Local Offer

Weekly, Thursday evening, term-time club for young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions opperated by Play Torbay.

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PHAB Club - Youth Group SEND Local Offer

The club provides an excellent centre for young people with disabilities in Torbay and arts, sports, drama and trips for disabled and non-disabled young people.

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Play Café - SEND Exclusive Sessions SEND Local Offer

The Play Café in Torquay runs a SEND exclusive session between 9am and 11am on Sundays.

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South Devon School of Gymnastics - Additional Needs group SEND Local Offer

South Devon School of Gymnastics Athletes of all abilities are welcome. Offers classes for recreational and competitive gymnasts with a wide variety of special needs. Its special needs squad competes at national level at Special Olympic competitions.

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Torbay Special Needs Playscheme and Saturday Club SEND Local Offer

The Torbay Special Needs Playscheme operates every school holiday except Bank holidays.  All children attending have severe to profound physical and/or learning disabilities. The Saturday club operates every Saturday. We have a younger group for 5 to 12 years and an older group for 12 to 17 years and these operate on alternate Saturdays. All the groups are run from Brunel Academy. 

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Torbay Velopark SEND Local Offer

Torbay Velopark is able to provide specially adapted bikes for use by disabled people. Bikes include specially made trikes, a tandem and junior and senior recumbent bikes.

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Turning Heads SEND Local Offer

Turning Heads is a community interest company that is helping to build a community that values and empowers togetherness.

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Wetwheels Torbay SEND Local Offer

The Wetwheels experience is designed to enable every disabled person, including those with profound and complex disabilities, the chance to experience the excitement of power boating without boundaries. Wetwheels Torbay is fully accessible – not just giving you the chance to be a passenger, but also to take the helm as the skipper – everybody gets the chance to drive!

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Wheelchair Football  SEND Local Offer

Wheelchair football and games for wheelchair users of any age. Open to manual chair and power chair users. Those who need a push are also welcome as long as pushers accompany them. Anyone interested can turn up but it’s advisable to contact Ashley Harris before attending.

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the children's society

Checkpoint – Phoenix Youth Group SEND Local Offer

The Phoenix group is for young people living with learning disabilities, physical disabilities or who are socially isolated. The group offers a safe place to get together and socialise.

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Play torbay logo

Play Torbay ASRUS SEND Local Offer

A weekly club,  social and support group for children and young people on the Autistic spectrum and their siblings, (which may or may not be diagnosed), whilst also supporting and signposting parents, reducing feelings of isolation.  The aim of the group is to encourage social interaction, cooperative play personal awareness and a better understanding of self and others.

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Short Breaks for children and young people with disabilities


What are Short Breaks? SEND Local Offer

Short Breaks provide children and young people with disabilities with an opportunity to spend time away from their parents or primary carers, relaxing and having fun with their friends. They provide families with a ‘break’ from their caring responsibilities; they give parents a chance to unwind rest or spend time with other children.

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Torbay Short Breaks Statement SEND Local Offer

The Government requires every local authority to produce a Short Breaks Statement so that disabled children, young people and their families know what services are available and how they can access them.The purpose of this statement is to give information about Short Breaks, including what they are, how families can access them and how individuals can get involved in influencing what types of Short Breaks are provided to families in Torbay in the future.This statement is for the parents and carers of children between the ages of 0-18 years, with a disability, and offers information on provision and services available which will promote the health, safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

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Who are Short Breaks for? SEND Local Offer

Children and young people are eligible for short breaks when they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on their ability to carry out day-to-day activities.

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Children with Disabilities Team Eligibility Criteria SEND Local Offer

Following a needs assessment, as described within the full Torbay Children with Disabilities (CWD) Eligibility Criteria, the Children with Disabilities (CWD) Team will usually only provide services to children and young people who have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial long term adverse effect at a severe or profound level as further explained within the full Torbay Children with Disabilities (CWD) Eligibility Criteria.  

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What if my child DOES NOT meet CWD Eligibility Criteria? SEND Local Offer

Some children and young people will have disabilities but will not have needs that require the specialist support and resources provided by the Children with Disability (CWD) Team. These will usually include children and young people who:

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What to do if you think your child DOES meet the CWD Eligibility Criteria SEND Local Offer

In Torbay, parents or carers of children and young people with disabilities who meet the Children with Disability Team Criteria can access Short Breaks in the following ways:

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How do families in Torbay access Short Breaks? SEND Local Offer

If the allocated social worker identifies that some support to access Short Breaks would be beneficial for the child and family, the completed assessment will be used to identify what level and type of Short Breaks a family may need to support them in their caring role. These assessments for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and / or Disabilities (SEND) are usually carried out by a Children with Disability (CWD) Team Social Woker. A discussion will take place on the Short Breaks options available to the family and choose one or more that best meet identified needs from services available under the Local Offer. Should the family feel that nothing on offer meets their needs, they can discuss other options with their Professional and together can design a bespoke, package of short breaks.

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How are Short Breaks paid for? SEND Local Offer

After a Short Breaks plan has been agreed by the Access to Resources panel, as required to meet the family’s needs, they are included in a personal budget. A Short Breaks plan will only be made following a social care Single Assessment of need or review of a child or young person's care plan.

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Direct Payments - Children's Social Care SEND Local Offer

A Direct Payment is money given to families who have been assessed as needing social care support and would like to arrange and pay for the services themselves instead of receiving them directly from the Council.If we say you are eligible to receive services paid for by the Council, you can choose:

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Together for Devon logo

What happens when my child reaches the age of 18 years? SEND Local Offer

Torbay Children’s Disability Team is working together with adult social care to make the transition fromChildren’s to Adult’s Services an exciting and optimistic time for young people.

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