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Last Updated - August 26, 2023

Who can request an EHC needs assessment?

If, following a period of time at within SEND Support through the Torbay SEND Support and Provision – Graduated Response, your child or young person is still not making the expected progress the following people can ask for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment:

  • you (parent of a child)
  • you (young person over the age of 16)
  • or the school

It is always better if the education provider (pre-school, school, college etc.) makes the request as they are more able to ensure all the required information and evidence is contained within the request. However, parents and young people (over 16’s) are also able to make requests themselves directly to the Local Authority.

An EHC needs assessment must also be considered if your child or young person’s needs are brought to the attention of the Local Authority (LA) by someone else.

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