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Last Updated - August 26, 2023

What is Mediation?

Mediation is a way to try to resolve issues quickly.

In Torbay we use a mediatory approach and often offer what we call “informal mediation meeting” as a way of resolving issues and situations at the earliest possible opportunity.

The Children and Families Act 2014 requires all local authorities to provide independent mediation and disagreement resolution services to help when parents or young people cannot agree with the local authority or other providers about the special educational provision for a child or young person.

Mediation in a legal sense is carried out by a neutral third party organisation. Torbay local authority have a contract with Global Mediation for SEND. This service is free of charge and your conversations with a Global Mediation advisor are confidential.

Who to contact:

To arrange an informal mediation contact the Torbay SEND Team

To discuss mediation further contact a mediation advisor.

Telephone: 0800 064 4488



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