Last Updated - January 18, 2024
There are two courses about teenagers’ brains. One for parents and one for teenagers. Both are fully funded, just use the access code TAMAR in you live in Torbay
Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
Your teenage brain will go through a cycle of rapid growth during puberty. Sometimes, these changes can cause confusion, but they can also bring about many positives for young people. This course is a great place to start if you want to learn about how your brain starts to function differently as you grow into an adult.
Understanding your brain – for teenagers is designed for all teenagers in any situation, but you might find perhaps you begin to feel you would benefit from more personalised or specialist support, so there are some additional resources signposted throughout to guide you.
Understanding your teenager’s brain (course for parents)
Find out more here, just enter TAMAR as your access code as it’s fully funded in Torbay.