Last Updated - January 7, 2025
A referral can be made to the appropriate health and social care team for all young people moving into Adult Services. Staff from Children’s and Adult Services will work together, sharing information about young people aged between 14 and 18 who are supported by Children’s Services.
From the age of 16, and subject to a Social Care needs assessments for Adults, Adult Services will work with the young person, their family and supporters to progress their transition.
Prior to the young person being allocated an Adult Care Worker, a transition coordinator will begin to work with the young person and their family to help them plan for the future. They will look at things like the young person’s current needs, the cost and possible support they may need as an adult. Children’s and Adult Services work in different way and the level and type of support the young person receives may change. Adult Services need to understand what young people want in the way of work and social opportunities so that they can help prepare the young person for adulthood.
A referral needs to go through a single point of contact for Torbay adult services. Once a referral has been received a letter confirming its delivery will be sent to the young person and their representative with a copy to the referrer, by the transitions co-ordinator.
The referral will go through a ‘triage’ process by Adult Health & Social Care professionals to determine if the Young Persons Care & Support Needs meet the threshold of the National Eligibility Criteria as set out in in the Care & Support (Eligibility Criteria) regulations 2015. During this process Adult Health & Social Care professionals will identify the most appropriate action plan depending on the young persons care & support needs.
Transition Coordinators will keep in touch with the young person, families, carers & the referrer to provide up-dates or gather more information as required.
Should the outcome of the ‘triage’ be that the young person does not meet the eligibility criteria for Adult Social Care Funding, the Transition Coordinators or Health & Social Care Coordinators will support with providing information, advice and guidance in line with the needs of the young person who has been referred.
Phone: 01803 219700