For some children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities it can be a challenge to measure the progress they make against targets set out in the National Curriculum and so more bespoke tools and frameworks can be beneficial.
- The Portage SEND Best Practice Assessment Checklist. This assessment checklist brings together all of the developmental steps for children from birth to five years from various documents including the original Portage checklist and the Early Years Foundation Stage. The skills are broken down into small steps so that parents and practitioners can assess and celebrate every skill that the child has achieved. It can then act as a guide to the design of teaching activities to further promote development.
- The Derbyshire Small Steps/ Celebratory Checkpoints. These are for use with young children who have significant barriers to learning. The Celebratory Checkpoints allow the progress of all children to be celebrated. They allow closer tracking than the checkpoints in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This means that smaller steps of progress are recognised and celebrated.