For some children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities it can be a challenge to measure the progress they make against targets set out in the National Curriculum and so more bespoke tools and frameworks can be beneficial.
- The Preparing for Adulthood framework for students with an EHCP – The Preparing for Adulthood process currently begins with the Year 9 Annual Review at age 14. This is when an EHC plan will be amended to incorporate the PfA outcomes which focus on the support needed to prepare for becoming an adult and what career aspirations the student is working towards. The framework considers 4 pathways:
- Education and employment: Options like internships, apprenticeships, self-employment, volunteering, college, and university.
- Independent living: Having choice and control over their lives, support, accommodation, and living arrangements.
- Friends, relationships and community: Building friendships, supportive relationships, and contributing to the community, keeping safe online and in the community, local youth and afterschool clubs.
- Good health and wellbeing: Managing health needs, health services, understanding emotional wellbeing, staying active, relationships and sexual health.