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Last Updated - August 21, 2023

Torbay Young Adult Carers (TYAC)

TYAC provides a range of support for Young Adults aged 16 – 25 years old who are caring for, or helping to care for someone who has a long term illness, disability, frailty, mental ill-health, and drug or
alcohol problem.

Who can Refer?

Referrals can be accepted from young adult carers, their families or from professionals working with young adults and their families. Please note that if referral is not a self-referral, the Young Adult Carer must have consented to the referral being made on their behalf. Our support will be more limited if the cared for and carer live outside of Torbay.

How to make a referral?

Referrals can be made by completing one of the Referral Forms available from the service on request or accessing the Young Adult Carers’ website and submitting a referral on line; or by telephone. In the case of Young Adult Carers that want to self refer, we are happy to meet up informally and help complete the form.

What happens next?

We will acknowledge receipt of the referral both with the referrer and the Young Adult Carer. We would hope to make contact within 4 weeks to arrange an initial visit (any problems in contacting the Young Adult Carer will be taken back to the referrer). The visit will enable us to assess the support required. If appropriate an offer of service will be made soon after the initial visit.

For more information, or to make a referral please contact:

Young Adult Carers
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Room 17 Paignton Library
Great Western Road
Paignton, TQ4 5AG
Phone: – 01803 208455 / 01803 852421
e-mail:- torbayyac@nhs.net

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