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cfhd- children and family health devon

Last Updated - February 11, 2025

Torbay MERs previously known as CAMHS

The Torbay Mood, Emotions and Relationships Service, previously known as CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), provides emotional and mental health assessment and treatment to children, young people, aged 0-18 years, and their families/carers within Torbay.

The service provide assessment and treatment for children and young people who are experiencing emotional and mental health difficulties. Treatment options include; crisis/self-harm assessment, CBT, EMDR, Family therapy, trauma work and Eating Disorder work. CAMHS also provides consultation support to professionals within social care, health, education and the voluntary sector.

Referrals can be made through your GP, Health Visitor, School Nurse, Social Worker, or by self-referral.

Early intervention support is offered through the Mental Health in Schools Team.

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