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Child Brushing teeth

Last Updated - August 7, 2023


The most important thing to think about when choosing toothpaste is that it contains fluoride. This is written on the back of the tube or box.

Fluoride is a mineral that plays an important role in preventing tooth decay. When children use toothpaste from an early age it is harder for plaque to stick to the tooth enamel and decay is reduced.

Toothpaste should contain a fluoride level of 1350ppm (parts per million). Family or adult toothpaste is completely safe for children of all ages. Children’s toothpastes have become more popular but you do not need to use them.

If using children’s toothpaste makes brushing easier and it contains no less that 1000ppm fluoride, then it is fine to use. Just ensure you switch to family toothpaste as soon as possible.

Dentists can apply a ’fluoride varnish’ to your child’s teeth which protect them even more.

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