Last Updated - March 19, 2024
Finishing building the most amazing human body
This final stage of your baby’s growth inside the womb is characterised by significant weight gain, your baby will almost triple in size and their length will double.
Dramatic brain growth is happening at this time, this is due to new cells and connections being made.
This is also a crucial time for the maturation of your baby’s senses, and they are literally buzzing due to the development they are undergoing.
Exploring their environment is becoming your baby’s primary source of entertainment.
Around about this time, baby’s cerebral cortex has become mature enough to enable them to feel and remember things, such as particular tunes or music.
A message from your baby…
By week 32
I can hear, taste, smell and touch. I sleep for most of the time, and during this time rapid eye movements, which are associated with dreaming, are apparent. Dreaming helps my brain to further develop, which is why I spend 90-95% of my time asleep.
By week 38
I have lived underwater, in almost complete darkness, all warm and cosy. I have experienced smell, taste, touch, and movement. I have developed a brain that is ready to learn and experience the world around me.