The Early Years Advisory Teacher for Inclusion will work in close partnership with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinators (SENDCos) in Early Years Settings to enable them to follow the ‘Graduated Approach’ set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and this will include.
- Supporting setting SENDCos with early identification of concerns and assessment of need through virtual discussion support, visits to the SENDCO or observing children at play.
- Supporting setting SENDCos to plan and implement appropriate intervention and support for individual children in consultation with parents/carers.
- Supporting setting SENDCos to explain to parents/carers how any early intervention and support put in place will benefit their children and help them to reach their full potential.
- Reinforcing the need for setting SENDCos to consult with parents/carers at each step and reassure them that confidentiality between parents/carers, the setting and other agencies will be respected at all times.
- Supporting setting SENDCos with referral to other agencies e.g. educational psychology, health services and signposting parents/carers to universal support services including Early Help.
- Informing setting SENDCos about the importance of working with local impartial information, advice and support services, to promote effective work with parents of children in the Early Years such as SENDIASS SENDIASS Torbay (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Information, Advice and Support Service) – Family Hub (
- Supporting setting SENDCos to plan for children with SEND to transfer between Early Years provision and schools by following the Torbay Transition Charter and timelines.
- Supporting the setting SENDCos with requesting an EHC Plan for individual children and writing reports as part of this process
- Supporting setting SENDCos to develop links with existing SENDCo networks such as the Torbay Early Years SENDCO Forum.
- Strengthening the links between the settings, parents, schools, social care and health services
- Developing and disseminating good practice
- Supporting the development and delivery of training both for individual settings and on a wider basis