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Last Updated - June 21, 2024

Start for life, breastfeeding friend

Breastfeeding Friend from Start4Life (or BFF) is an app that lets you get NHS-trusted advice at any time, day or night. You can get it for your:


  • Facebook Messenger
  • Google Home
  • Amazon Alexa

Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can simply ask for 24/7 tips, info and useful advice from your phone or smart speaker:


For Facebook Messenger, you can chat with Breastfeeding Friend, and either:


  • click on common breastfeeding topics, such as “new to breastfeeding”, “guide to latching on” or “sore nipples”;
  • or type in your own question – for example, “How do I deal with mastitis?” or “Should I take vitamins while breastfeeding?”

For Google Assistant or Alexa, you can simply ask for what you need:


  • “Hey Google, ask Breastfeeding Friend for a quick tip”
  • “Hey Google, ask Breastfeeding Friend for the feeding guide”
  • “Alexa, ask Breastfeeding Friend – is my baby getting enough milk?”
  • “Alexa, ask Breastfeeding Friend how do I breastfeed?”

Whether you’re experiencing breastfeeding difficulties, you’ve got sore nipples, or you want to know about vitamins and what you should include in your diet – if it’s a breastfeeding related question, Breastfeeding Friend is ready to help you.

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