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Last Updated - September 16, 2024

Special Guardianship Support in Torbay

A Special Guardianship Order (SGO) is a type of kinship care. The SGO Support team is available to Special Guardians residing in Torbay. We also support Special Guardians living outside of Torbay for up to 3 years post-order. SGO Support is available until your SGO child turns 18 years old, or until they are 25 years old if they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This support is provided with your consent and in line with your level of need.

As a Special Guardian, you will be provided with a SGO Support Plan. This is an important document which outlines your needs and that of your SGO child(ren) and provides clarity on support agreements made by the Local Authority – including any SGO financial allowance. Our team will review your SGO Support Plan every year to ensure this is meeting your needs.

Our team can provide you with support and resources tailored to your family’s needs at any time during the course of the SGO and we can assist you with accessing support through social care and other community services.

The areas of support available through the SGO Support team includes:

  • Training, resources and knowledge
  • Specialist support and advice
  • Accessing therapeutic support and specialist assessment
  • Benefits advice and financial support
  • Accessing support in the community and peer support groups
  • SGO Activities and Events
  • Accessing independent advice and support (including family rights information and legal advice)

If you would like to talk to us about your support needs you can contact our team directly via email: sgo.support@torbay.gov.uk or call 01803 208100 and ask for the SGO Support team.

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