Last Updated - February 18, 2025
It is advisable to review individual targets set for very young children every half term or sooner. The setting SENDCo will need to arrange a meeting with the parents. This is what is stated in the SEND Code of Practice:
“The effectiveness of the support and its impact on the child’s progress should be reviewed in line with the agreed date. The impact and quality of the support should be evaluated by the practitioner and the SENDCo working with the child’s parents and considering the child’s views. They should agree any changes to the outcomes and support for the child in light of the child’s progress and development. Parents should have clear information about the impact of the support provided and be involved in planning next steps.
This cycle of action should be revisited in increasing detail and with increasing frequency, to identify the best way of securing good progress. At each stage parents should be engaged with the setting, contributing their insights to assessment and planning. Intended outcomes should be shared with parents and reviewed with them, along with action taken by the setting, at agreed times.” (SEND Code of Practice 2015)
It is advisable, where possible, to include all the relevant professionals involved with the child at planned review meetings, so that a coordinated approach is taken. At each ILDP review meeting it is important to consider if the child needs to access more support from outside agencies, such as Early Help or Family Hub services. It might be relevant to make a request for support from the Home Learning Environment and Early Years Team or
After at least one cycle of the Graduated Approach, a Setting SENDCo may want to request extra funding to support the child’s access to the setting. This can be done using the guidance and ‘Activity Led Funding for Inclusion (ALFI) forms – Parts 1 and 2’ found here Early Years additional funding for children with SEND (ALFI and DAF) – Family Hub (
View and/or download the full Practice Guidance for Early Years SENDCos