Last Updated - January 13, 2025
Upon receipt of a draft EHCP, a parent or young person has a right to request the school they want to be named in the final EHCP.
A draft EHCP is issued either:
In both of these situations a parent or young person has a right to request that any of the following types of school or other institution are named in Section I of the EHCP:
s.38(3) Children & Families Act 2014
Often parents do not wish their child/young person to change school when they get an EHCP or their EHCP is amended. There is nothing preventing a parent from requesting for the mainstream school the child/young person is currently attending.
If you are considering requesting a different school to the one your child/young person currently attends to be named on their EHCP, you may find our Checklist for Visiting Schools useful.
After receiving a request for any of these types of schools/settings the Local Authority has a duty to consult the governing body before that school/setting can be named.
Unless there is a legally valid reason then the requested school/setting must be named on the EHCP.