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Last Updated - August 5, 2024

Have you just moved to Torbay?

Welcome to 0 to 19 Torbay. Helping families find ways to avoid illness and stay fit, happy and healthy.

Family Hubs are a new way of bringing together all the support a family may need and provides a welcoming space and a ‘front door’ for families from pregnancy through to young people turning 19 (or 25 if they experience SEND)

You can download our booklet here which is full of helpful information as you settle into the area. If you have any questions about our service or would like to find out what’s on in the area, please go to our website https://torbayfamilyhub.org.uk or find us on Facebook or Instagram, just search for 0to19Torbay. To access everything you need in one easy place, you may prefer to download the Family hub app.

Alternatively, you can contact our advice line on 0300 333 5352 or email

As you connect with us, we hope you quickly feel welcome and
settled in Torbay.

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