The Early Years SENDCo will:
- Understand the local offer, including the provision that the Local Authority expects to be available from providers of all relevant Early Years education.
- Understand the support available including:
- health and social care services for disabled children and children with SEND
- services assisting providers to support young children with medical conditions
- childcare for disabled children and children with SEND
- services providing parents and children with information, advice and support on SEND and disability
- support groups who can support parent carers of disabled children.
- Link with the local authority to liaise over individual children and links on wider strategic issues such as securing sufficient expertise and experience on SEND and disability locally
- Understand how funding supports settings in meeting children’s SEND and disability.
- Liaise with professionals or agencies beyond the setting, including, but not limited to:
- SEND support or learning support services including the ‘Local Offer’
- sensory support services or specialist teachers
- Therapies such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy
- support available to parents to aid their child’s development at home, including such services as Portage
- Independent Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS)
- Local voluntary agencies that provide support to children and their families.
- Area SENDCo, inclusion officer, or equivalent where available
View and/or download the full Practice Guidance for Early Years SENDCos