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Last Updated - February 16, 2024

Ice play for babies

One of the best thing about activities with ice, is that they address all 5 senses. If a child has a sensory processing need or not, sensory play is a vital part of a child’s development. Ice makes an amazing sensory play material and it is practically free.  

Benefits: Toddlers and children process information through their senses. Sensory play is unstructured and is the purest sense of exploratory learning.

Adult supervision required at all times.

What you need:

  • Ziplock bag
  • Ice Food colour {optional)
  • Lemon juice (optional)
  • Towels

Fill the ziplock bag with ice and secure it. Encourage the child to explore.  

Tips: When the child is ready to explore more, you can start introducing the ice in a tray with plastic toys. You can also use lemon flavour to explore taste. Enjoy exploring with your baby!

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