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Last Updated - August 7, 2023

Habits for healthy teeth

Ideally little ones should visit the dentist by aged one – then visit every six months or as advised by your dentist. If your child hasn’t visited the dentist yet, then make an appointment as soon as you can. If you do not have an NHS dentist you can find out how to register here.

Regular Brushing
Your child should be brushing their teeth twice a day. Try using star charts to remind and encourage them. You will need to supervise and give your child a hand to brush until they are around seven.

Help your child to;

Use a pea sized blob of fluoride toothpaste once they are 3 years old (just a smear is needed before this).

Use the ‘spit don’t rinse’ rule. This keeps the fluoride on the teeth as long as possible.

Brush for two minutes – you can use timers or play songs to help keep to time. Have a look at the BrushDJ app.

Make sure your child sees their carers taking care of their teeth too. Being a good role model makes a big difference.

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