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First trimester baby picture

Last Updated - March 27, 2024

First Trimester

You and your baby building the most amazing human body

Your baby’s primitive heart begins beating at about day 22 after fertilisation enabling very primitive blood cells to circulate, and this makes the heart the first functioning organ system.

Within weeks after conception your baby’s brain is beginning to bulge and will be given a high priority in the period of growth both before and after birth.
Your baby will be having a range of sensory experiences in response to what is going on inside and outside your tummy. Your baby will be able to respond to sound, vibration and vestibular (balance) changes – as you move, your baby responds accordingly.

Emotional development of your baby begins long before its first breath of air.
Towards the end of the first trimester your growing baby begins to leap and use the walls of your uterus as a trampoline.

By week 9
Their fingers and toes are almost complete and they have touch pads on their fingers.

By week 10
Your growing baby contains all the organ structures that a new-born baby has, but in an immature state.

By week 11
Your baby’s body length has doubled and all vital organs are fully formed. Other coordinated activities such as stretching, swallowing, yawning and sucking are beginning to enlarge.

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