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Last Updated - January 8, 2025

Element 3 – Top-up funding – High Needs Block

This is provided from the high needs block element of the Designated Schools Grant (DGS), and is aimed mainly, though not exclusively, at pupils with Education, Health and Care plans (EHCPs).

The government expects schools, academies and free schools to have spent at least £10,000 out of their core and notional budget before this funding can be accessed.

Top-up funding is individual pupil related funding from the Local Authority from national funding called the ‘high needs block’ for children and young people with an Education Health and Care plan (EHCP) where the provision described is above the level of provision expected to be covered by Element 2 (Notional SEN Budget).

This funding is awarded on an individual basis and the amount depends on the pupil’s level and complexity of need in line with funding matrix descriptors.

An EHCP describes a pupil’s needs, agreed outcomes and required provision and the top-up funding is directly linked to these and reviewed alongside the Annual Review of the child’s EHCP.

The rest of the high needs block is used by us to fund other types of SEND support and provision. The total funding in the high needs block is spent on many different types of support. This includes:

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