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Last Updated - January 13, 2025

Disagreement resolution (disagreements about SEND provision)

Disagreement resolution is a voluntary process that can only take place if all parties agree. 

It is available to parents of all children and young people with SEND, not just those being assessed or who have an EHC Plan. 

It helps resolve disagreements about:

  • how early years providers, schools and further education institutions are carrying out their duties for children and young people with SEND
  • how social care services are carrying out their duties for children and young people with SEND
  • health care services are carrying out their duties for children and young people with SEND
  • the special educational provision made for a child or young person by early years providers, schools or further education institutions
  • the social care provision made for a child or young person by early years providers, schools or further education institutions
  • the health care provision made for a child or young person by early years providers, schools or further education institutions
  • us or the local healthcare authority (BNSSG Clinical Commissioning Group) deciding not to undertake an EHC needs assessment
  • us or the local healthcare authority deciding not to issue an EHC plan
  • the special educational, health or social care support we or the CCG are providing in an EHC plan

In Torbay, we use Global Mediation to provide disagreement resolution services.

You may also find the following documents, below, useful:

  • Routes for Disagreement Resolution – Factsheet
  • Disagreement Resolution Services – Factsheet
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