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Last Updated - September 3, 2024

Contact your public health nursing team

Health visitors are registered nurses/midwives who have additional training in community public health nursing who work in partnership with community public health staff nurses who are trained nurses and community nursery nurses.

They provide a professional public health service based on best evidence of what works for individuals, families, groups and communities; enhancing health and reducing inequalities for children 0 to 5 years and beyond. They can help with many areas of child development including sleep, behaviour, healthy eating, bladder and bowel issues.

Watch this health visiting in the community video to find out more about the role of a health visitor.

Contact 0 to 19 Torbay

  • Call: 0300 333 5352
  • Email: Publichealthnursing.torbay@nhs.net
  • Online: www.torbayfamilyhub.org.uk
  • Social Media: search 0 to 19 Torbay on Facebook and Instagram
  • Download our Torbay Family Hub app on Apple and Android and chat to us

For Local Infant Feeding support

  • Call: 07500 952216
  • Email: nhsinfantfeedingtorbay
  • Social Media: NHS Infant Feeding Torbay

Useful websites

  • Parent Talk – Free down to earth parenting advice and 1:1 chat from Action For Children
  • FREE online Antenatal and Parenting Courses , with online code TAMAR inourplace.co.uk
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