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11 year old child

Last Updated - October 3, 2023

By age 7

Remember, not all children develop at the same rate but during this time I will:

  • Understand the key points they need to focus on in order to answer a question or follow an instruction and begin to ignore less important information
  • Be aware of when a message is not clear and ask for an explanation
  • Understands complex 2 to 3 part instructions
  • Use newly learnt words in a specific and appropriate way
  • Use speech that is consistently clear and easy to understand
  • Use sound and letter links to read and spell unfamiliar words
  • Ask lots of questions to find out specific information including ‘how’ and ‘why’ Use an imaginative range of descriptive words in sentences
  • Use more complicated grammar including using different ways to join phrases to help explain or justify an event
  • Begin to be aware of what the listener knows already and make checks while telling a story
  • Take turns to talk

For more information or if you have concerns
Talk to your school nurse team, call the advice line 0300 333 5352 (Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm)
GP or talk to your school

Child and Family Health Devon All age Advice line 0333 321 9448 (Mon-Fri 2pm-4.30pm)

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