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Child with grandfather

Last Updated - October 3, 2023

By 5 years

Remember, not all children develop at the same rate but during this time I will:

  • take turns in much longer conversations
  • use sentences that are well formed, for example, “I had spaghetti for tea at Jamilia’s house”
  • be learning more words all the time as well as thinking more about the meanings of words, such as describing the meaning of simple words or asking what a new word means
  • be able to re-tell short stories I have heard in roughly the right order and use language that makes it sound like a story
  • use most speech sounds. However, I may have some difficulties with more difficult words such as ‘scribble’ or ‘elephant’ and some speech sounds such as ‘r’ and ‘th’ may still be difficult
  • enjoy listening to stories, songs and rhymes and will start to make up my own
  • ask relevant questions or make relevant comments in relation to what I’ve have heard
  • understand spoken instructions without stopping what I’m doing to look at who is speaking to me
  • understand more complicated language such as ‘first’, ‘last’, ‘might’, ‘maybe’, ‘above’ and ‘in between’
  • understand words that describe sequences such as “first we are going to the shop, next we will play in the park”
  • choose my own friends
  • use talk to take on different roles in imaginative play, to interact and negotiate with people and to have longer conversations
  • use talk to help work out problems to organise my thinking and take part in activities

My parents might want to speak to a Health Visitor or GP if:

  • As above +
  • I have poor understanding of spoken language.
  • Strangers cannot understand much of my speech.
  • I have difficulty with abstract ideas such as size or time.
  • I cannot identify the words to be able to say what I want.
  • I struggle to organise my words into an order when I talk, e.g. I might miss connecting and describing words – I might say ‘playing ball’ instead of ‘Jake is playing with the ball’.

For more information or if you have concerns
Talk to your school nurse team, call the advice line 0300 333 5352 (Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm)
GP or talk to your school

Child and Family Health Devon All age Advice line 0333 321 9448 (Mon-Fri 2pm-4.30pm)

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