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Last Updated - September 16, 2024

Breathing Space

About the service

Breathing Space is a voluntary support service. We can offer support to any parent living in Torbay, who has had a child removed from their care.

We also support some parents who are expecting a baby, when there are worries about the care of baby after birth. Our team will help you to decide which parts of your life you would most like support with and we will help you to make a plan.

It is important that you understand that working with Breathing Space is not a stepping stone to your child being returned to your care. But we hope that working with us will improve any time or contact you might have with your child. We also hope that we can help you to be in a stronger position to care for any child you might have in the future.

Breathing Space principles

Making positive changes happens best when we support parents to make their own plans for their futures. The best and most lasting support is here in our community. We will always help parents to access this support.

Parents tell us that short term support and changes to relationships with professionals is not helpful. We support change through lasting relationships. We want Breathing Space to work well for our parents, so we always involve parents in developing or improving our service.

Some of the key areas we can support with:

If you think you would like support from Breathing Space, please email us with your name and telephone number so that we can call you and have a chat.

Our email address is: Breathing.Space.Service@torbay.gov.uk

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