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Last Updated - August 30, 2024

Attaching and Positioning at the breast

Positioning and attachment are the key to successful breastfeeding! Positioning is how you hold your baby at the breast and attachment is what your baby does when they latch on to the breast.  It’s important to get this right so that:

  • Your baby takes plenty of milk and grows
  • You make plenty of milk
  • You don’t develop problems such as sore nipples, blocked ducts or mastitis

There are lots of different positions for breastfeeding, it doesn’t matter which one you use, you just need to check the following:

  • C – that you are holding your baby close to your body
  • H – your baby’s head is free so they can tip it back to reach for the breast
  • I – your baby’s head and body are in a nice straight line
  • N – you baby starts off with their nose at the level of your nipple
  • S – that the position is sustainable and comfortable for you

Look at the image below

View or download this leaflet from Start for Life

Take a look at UNICEF’s Baby Friendly video – Positioning and attachment

or this video from Global Health Media. There are many more videos to support you at Global Health Media.


When your baby is well attached at the breast:

  • they will have a large mouthful of breast so their cheeks will look well rounded
  • their chin should be tucked into the breast
  • your baby rhythmically takes long sucks and swallows
  • it doesn’t hurt you when your baby sucks although the first few sucks may feel strong)
  • your baby finishes the feed and appears content and satisfied afterwards

Further information

How do I know my baby is getting enough milk

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