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Torbay SEND Voice - Speech

Last Updated - February 4, 2025

Appendix 1:

Appendix 1:

It is also important to note that many children and young people may have needs across more than one category and certain conditions may not fall neatly into one area of need. When reviewing and managing special educational provision all four broad areas of need must be considered to ensure you can provide holistic support for the child/young person.

With a multidisciplinary approach many children and young people’s needs can be met at universal and targeted support so they can make progress therefore, not all children/young people with SLCN will require a referral to Speech and Language Therapy for a specialist assessment.  To help inform this process a series of factsheets are available to help professionals/parents/carers plan the decision-making process for making referrals, what to consider about the child or young person, and how to build a speech, language and communication profile.

View and/or download the full Speech, Language and Communication Needs Toolkit

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